Binding sites for oostatic peptides in organs of fly Neobellieria bullata
Nazarov, Elšan; Holík, Josef; Tykva, Richard; Hlaváček, Jan; Bennettová, Blanka; Slaninová, Jiřina
In Collection Symposium Series 6. Praha : ÚOCHB AV ČR : 56-57, 2003
Keywords: oostatic peptides; ovaries; Neobellieria bullata
Abstract: Using tritiated peptides Asp-Pro, Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala, Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro binding experiments with homogentates on membrane preparations of ovaries were performed. Very low degree of specific binding was detected.
IEB authors: Josef Holík
In Collection Symposium Series 6. Praha : ÚOCHB AV ČR : 56-57, 2003
Keywords: oostatic peptides; ovaries; Neobellieria bullata
Abstract: Using tritiated peptides Asp-Pro, Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala, Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro binding experiments with homogentates on membrane preparations of ovaries were performed. Very low degree of specific binding was detected.