Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis



2012   2011   2010   2009



Impact of Taxes and social benefits on income inequality and relative poverty in the Czech Republic

Authors: Petr Janský, Klára Kalíšková, Daniel Münich

Self-Confidence of a Class and Competition of the Classmates for Eight-Year Gymnasium

Authors: Miroslava Federičová, Filip Pertold, Michael L. Smith

Supporting Families with Children Through the Tax and Welfare System

Author: Jiří Šatava

What does (a lack of) transparency in public procurement lead to?

Authors: Ján Palguta, Filip Pertold

Public financing for pre-school places pays off: a cost and benefit analysis

Authors: Klára Kalíšková, Daniel Münich, Filip Pertold

The Effects of Transition to Secondary School, Alcohol Consumption and Peer Pressure on Youth Smoking

Author: Filip Pertold

An International Comparison of the Quality of Academic Publication Output in the Czech Republic

Attachment: Discipline Sheets

A full study including Discipline Sheets is available in PDF format here

Authors: Štěpán Jurajda, Stanislav Kozubek, Daniel Münich, Samuel Škoda




Taxing Top Income Earners in the Czech Republic: An IDEA for Reform

Authors: Libor Dušek, Jiří Šatava


Does Prison Overcrowding Loom Again? Predicting the Prison Population in the Czech Republic

Author: Libor Dušek


An International Comparison of the Quality of Academic Publication Output in the Czech Republic

Authors: Štěpán Jurajda, Stanislav Kozubek, Daniel Münich, Samuel Škoda

Wage Differences Related to Motherhood nd Children in the Family

Author: Mariola Pytliková

Skills Mismatches in the Czech Republic

Author: Klára Kalíšková

November 2015


Working Beyond Pensionable Age: Institutional Incentives in the Czech Republic

Jiří Šatava

September 2015

Czech research centres´publication performance in the period 2008-2012, by field of research

Štěpán Jurajda, Daniel Münich

September 2015

Teachers´pay: consistently low and unattractive

Daniel Münich, Mária Perignáthová, Vladimír Smolka, Lucie Zapletalová

September 2015

A Comparative Study of Retirement Age in the Czech Republic

Jana Bakalová, Radim Boháček, Daniel Münich

June 2015

The Point system and its impact on the number of fatal traffic accidents

Josef Montag, Lucie Zapletalová

Study, May 2015

(Non-)discrimination against female job applicants for maternity-related reasons: Experiment

Vojtěch Bartoš

Short Study, March 2015




Civil Servants: Descriptive Study

Petr Bouchal, Petr Janský

Short Study, June 2014

Learning by torture or by play?

Miroslava Federičová and Daniel Münich

Short Study, May 2014

Who will benefit from the proposed increase to child tax credit?

Klára Kalíšková and Daniel Münich

Short Study, May 2014

Macroeconomic Forecast

Vilém Semerák

Macroeconomic forecast, March 2014

Preparing for the eight-year gymnasium: the great pupil steeplechase

Daniel Münich and Miroslava Federičová

Policy Study, March 2014

Women in the Czech financial sector from 1994 to 2012: New job opportunities for the young and educated.

Klára Kalíšková

Policy Study, March 2014




The Impact of Education on Economic Growth: Implications from the Latest Results of PISA 2012

Daniel Münich and Tomáš Protivínský

Policy Study, December 2013

Tax on High Incomes: Reforming the Reform

Libor Dušek and Jiří Šatava

Policy Study, December  2013

Libor Dušek, Klára Kalíšková and Daniel Münich

Policy Study,  October 2013

Libor Dušek, Klára Kalíšková and Daniel Münich

Policy Study, October 2013

Jiří Šatava

Policy Study, September 2013

Ondřej Schneider and Jiří Šatava

Policy Study, June 2013

Ondřej Schneider and Jiří Šatava

Policy Study, May 2013

Pert Janský

Policy Study, May 2013

Martin Gregor

Policy Study, April 2013

Pavel Hait and Petr Janský

Policy Study, March 2013




Could China Save Czech Export?

Vilém Semerák

Policy Study, December 2012

Petr Janský

Policy Brief, November  2012

Pavla Nikolovová, Ján Palguta, Filip Pertold and Mário Vozár

Policy Study, October 2012

Ondřej Schneider

Policy Brief, October 2012

Ondřej Schneider and Jiří Šatava

Policy Study, October 2012

Vilém Semerák

Study for ERAK, September 2012

Vilém Semerák and Jan Švejnar

Study for ERAK, September 2012

Petr Janský and Zuzana Řehořová

Policy Brief, September  2012

Petr Janský and Zuzana Řehořová

Research Paper, September 2012

Daniel Münich and Jan Straka

Policy Brief, September 2012

Štěpán Jurajda and Daniel Münich,

Policy Study, August 2012 (revised in December 2012)

Libor Dušek

Policy Brief, August 2012

Daniel Münich, Peter Ondko and Jan Straka

Policy Study, June 2012

Klára Kalíšková and Daniel Münich

Policy Brief, May 2012

Libor Dušek and Petr Janský

Study for ERAK, April  2012

Petr Janský and Daniel Münich

Policy Brief, March 2012

Ondřej Schneider

Policy Study, February 2012

Petr Janský and Ondřej Schneider

Policy Brief, February 2012




European Crisis from the Czech Perspective:

European Crisis: Monetary Disintegration and Its Impacts on the Czech Republic

Vilém Semerák and Jan Švejnar

Policy Brief, December 2011

Vilém Semerák and Jan Švejnar

Policy Brief, December 2011

Vilém Semerák

Policy Brief, December 2011

Ondřej Schneider

Policy Brief, August 2011

Petr Janský and Klára Kalíšková

Policy Brief, July 2011

Ondřej Schneider

Policy Study, May 2011

Ondřej Schneider and Libor Dušek

Policy Brief, May 2011

Jan Hlaváč and Ondřej Schneider

Research Paper, April 2011

Libor Dušek and Pert Janský

Policy Brief, March 2011

Libor Dušek and Pert Janský

Policy Brief, March 2011

Libor Dušek and Pert Janský

Policy Study, February 2011

Libor Dušek and Pert Janský

Preliminary Analysis, February 2011




Impacts of Proposed VAT Tax Adjustments on Living Standards of Households

Libor Dušek and Pert Janský

Preliminary Analysis, December 2010

Libor Dušek, Vilém Semerák and Jan Švejnar

Policy Brief, September 2010

Jan Švejnar , Libor Dušek and

Policy Study, May  2010




New member countries’ labour markets during the crisis. EU BEPA Policy Brief

Vilém Semerák and Jan Švejnar

Research Paper, September 2009