ALMA Solar Ephemeris Generator Tool

Notice to users: For creating ALMA solar proposals (by using ALMA Observing Tool), a dummy ephemeris can be used since it is impossible to know at present time if the desired solar feature will be visible and where on the solar disc, when actual observation takes place. To produce a dummy ephemeris file for a proposal, just click anywhere on the Sun below, then click "Generate ephemeris file for OT" and finally download the file by clicking "Download data below". You can then load that file into your proposal in the Observing Tool. You can even use an already generated sample file, available here.

Input FITS file
Date: - Size: - x - Format: -
Scaling function: Color: Frame of 0.
Show grid
Show ALMA 12m beam size in band:
cursor (wcs) = (-, -), intensity = -
pixel (x, y)
helioprojective (x, y) arcsec
heliographic (CMD, B) degrees
heliographic (L, B) degrees
Start of observation (UT):
End of observation (UT):
Step size (minutes):
Differential rotation profile:
A: B: C:
Height above photosphere (km):

Download Data Below