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Akademický bulletin / Živa

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projekt BIOCEV


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projekt ALISI


"Crossing the Cosmos: Modern Arab Space Scientists" - Jörg Matthias Determann, Virginia Commonwealth University

23.5.2016 17:00 - 23.5.2016 18:30

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"Crossing the Cosmos: Modern Arab Space Scientists" - Jörg Matthias Determann, Virginia Commonwealth University


Kdy: 23.5.2016, 17:00-18:30
Kde: ÚBVA, FF UK, Celetná 20, Praha 1, místnost 238

Middle Eastern cosmopolitanism and astronomical discoveries are often considered features of past eras. The ‘golden age’ of Arabic and Islamic science is usually located in the Middle Ages, and twentieth-century nationalism and Islamism are blamed for the end of diversity and tolerance in the region. In contrast, I argue that Arab governments and scientists were important contributors to modern and contemporary space exploration and cosmopolitanism. Although partly motivated by national interests, space exploration was also transnational, depending on the circulation of people, knowledge and technologies across borders. Arab and Muslim space scientists were proud of their region and religion, but also developed strong commitments to a global community and the earth as one planet.


Akce (v angličtině bez tlumočení) je určena studentům a odborné veřejnosti.


Podrobnější informace: http://www.orient.cas.cz/miranda2/export/sitesavcr/data.avcr.cz/humansci/orient/sys/galerie-download/160504-Oriental-Institute-Determann2.pdf

Kontakt: ozelvolfova@orient.cas.cz


