Ondřej Kreml, 2015: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Eduard Feireisl, 2015: Neuron Award for Contribution to Science
Petr Hájek, 2015: The 1st Degree Award of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague
Martin Markl, 2015: Distinguished Ordway Visitor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Vladimír Müller, 2015: Medal of the Faculty of Enviromental Engineering and Land Surveying, University of Agriculture, Cracow, Poland
Milan Práger, 2015: Honorary Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society, for his contribution to development and promotion of computational mathematics
Emil Vitásek, 2015: Honorary Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society, for his contribution to development and promotion of computational mathematics
Alois Kufner, 2014: Honorary Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society, for his lifelong contribution to the development of the Czech mathematics and of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
Pavel Krejčí, 2014: Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
Miroslav Fiedler, 2013: Josef Hlávka Honorary Medal to nestors and founding personalities of the Czech science and art for their lifelong work
Michal Křížek, 2013: Prize for promotion and popularization of research, experimental development and innovations, awarded by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jakub Šístek, 2013: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Karel Segeth, 2013: Honorary Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society, for his lifelong contribution to mathematics
Vladimír Müller, 2013: Szökefalvi-Nagy Medal (Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged), to honour a distinguished mathematician who has published significant deep results in Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)
Alois Kufner, 2013: Commemorative Medal of the University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, for his long-term work for the University and its development
Michal Křížek, 2012: Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
Michal Křížek, 2012: Honorary Medal of the University in Jyväskylä
Miroslav Fiedler, 2012: The Neuron Prize for selected researchers, awarded by Karel Janeček Foundation for Support of Science and Research
Tomáš Masopust, 2011: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Neil Dillip Thapen, 2011: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Ivo Vrkoč, 2011: Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
Emil Jeřábek, 2010: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Jiří Šremr, 2010: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Pavel Pudlák, Emil Jeřábek, Jan Krajíček and Jiří Sgall, 2010: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Award for Outstanding Results of Major Scientific Importance for the scientific outcome Theories, proofs and computational complexity
Calin Ambrozie, 2010: Simion Stoilow Prize of the Romanian Academy
Michal Křížek, 2010: Josef Hlávka Prize for scientific literature
Pavel Krejčí, 2010: John-von-Neumann-Preis / Gastprofessur, Technische Universität München
Jiří Rákosník, 2010: Honorary Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society
Michal Koucký, 2010: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Eduard Feireisl, 2009: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Award for Outstanding Scientific Results of Major Significance for the scientific result Singular limits in thermodynamics of viscous fluids (together with Antonín Novotný, Université du Sud Toulon Var, France)
András Rontó, 2008: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Ivan Hlaváček, 2008: Medal of the Czech Mathematical Society
Jiří Rákosník, 2008: Jur Hronec Honorary Plaque of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bohuslav Balcar, 2008: Shoenfield Prize of the Associations for Symbolic Logic
Růžena Roháčková, 2008: Note of thanks of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Tomáš Vejchodský, 2007: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Jindřich Zapletal, 2007: J. E. Purkyně Fellowship
Eduard Feireisl, 2007: Academic Award - Praemium Academiae
Miroslav Fiedler, 2007: Medal of Merit, First Grade, awarded by the President of the Czech Republic
Miroslav Engliš, 2007: Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
Jaroslav Kurzweil, 2006: National Prize of the Czech Government "Česká hlava"
Jaroslav Kurzweil, 2006: Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
Miroslav Fiedler, 2006: Honorary Medal „De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis“ of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jan Kolář, 2006: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Jaroslav Kurzweil, 2006: Medal of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists
Alois Kufner, 2005: Prize of the Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports for his monograph Weighted Inequalities of Hardy Type
Robert Hakl, 2005: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Pavel Řehák, 2005: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Ivan Hlaváček, 2005: Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
Alena Pravdová, 2004: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Eduard Feireisl, 2004: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Award for Outstanding Scientific Results of Major Significance (for collection of works on mathematical theory of the dynamics of compressible fluids complete with a monograph Dynamics of Viscous Compressible Fluids)
Ivan Straškraba, 2004: Prize of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for the monograph "Mathematical and Computational Methods for Compressible Flow" (together with M. Feistauer and J. Felcman)
Vojtěch Pravda, 2004: Josef Hlávka Prize
Marian Fabian, 2004: President of the Czech Science Foundation Prize for Outstanding Scientific Results
Eva Matoušková, 2003: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Šárka Nečasová, 2003: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Marian Fabián, Petr Hájek and Jan Pelant, 2003: Medal of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
Miroslav Fiedler, 2003: Golden Medal of the Faculty of Science of the P. J. Šafařík University in Košice
Jaroslav Kurzweil, 2003: Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň
Filip Roubíček, 2003: Bernard Bolzano Prize of the Charles University for oustanding Ph.D. thesis
Karel Segeth, 2003: Commemorative Medal of the Faculty of Mathematics nad Physics of the Charles University
Jaromír Šimša, 2003: Prize of the Rector of the Masaryk University in Brno
Miroslav Engliš, 2002: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Petr Hájek, 2002: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Jiří Sgall, 2002: Otto Wichterle Award for young researches
Petr Hájek, 2002: Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
Martin Markl, 2002: Medal of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
Antonín Sochor, 2002: Josef Hlávka Prize
Jaroslav Kurzweil, 2001: Medal of Josef Hlávka
Pavel Pudlák, 2001: Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences
Nejlepší ċlánky v ċasopisech vydávaných v MÚ
Marian Fabián: On coincidence of Pettis and McShane integrability. Czech. Math. J. 65 (140), no. 1 (2015), 83–106.
Radim Hošek: Face-to-face partition of 3D space with identical well-centered tetrahedra. Appl. Math. 60, no. 6 (2015), 637–651.
Šárka Nečasová, Jörg Wolf: On the linear problem arising from motion of a fluid around a moving rigid body. Math. Bohem. 140, no. 2 (2015), 241–259.
J. Neustupa: A geometric improvement of the velocity pressure local regularity criterion for a suitable weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equations. Math. Bohem. 139 (2014), no. 4, 685–698.
A. Gogatishvili, F. Soudský: Normability of Lorentz spaces – an alternative approach. Czech. Math. J. 64 (2014), no. 3, 581–597.
S. Mukhigulashvili: The Dirichlet boundary value problems for strongly singular higher-order nonlinear functional-differential equations. Czech. Math. J. 63 (2013), 235–263.
Calin Ambrozie: On a variational approach to truncated problems of moments. Math. Bohem. 138 (2013), 105–112.
G. A. Monteiro, M. Tvrdý: On Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral in a Banach space, Math. Bohem. 137 (2012), 365–381.
E. Vitásek: Approximate solution of an inhomogeneous abstract differential equation. Appl. Math. 57 (2012), 31–41.
A. Domohshnisky, R. Hakl, B. Půža: On the dimension of the solution set to the homogeneous linear differential equation of the first order. Czech. Math. J. 62 (2012), 1033–1053.
Z. Opluštil, J. Šremr: Some oscillation criteria for second-order linear delay differential equation. Math. Bohem. 136 (2011), 195–204.
E. Feireisl, S. Nečasová: The effective boundary conditions for vector fields on domains with rough boundaries: Applications to fluid mechanics. Appl. Math., Praha 56 (2011), 39–49.
P. Řehák: Second order linear q-difference equations: nonoscillation and asymptotics. Czech. Math. J. 61 (2011), 1107-1134.
Wiesław Kubiś, Matayahu Rubin: Extension and reconstruction theorems for the Urysohn universal metric space. Czechoslovak Math. J. 60 (135) (2010), No. 1, 1–29.
Pavel Řehák: A role of the coefficient of the differential term in qualitative theory of half-linear equations. Math. Bohem. 135 (2010), No. 2, 151–162.
Antonín Slavík, Štefan Schwabik: Henstock-Kurzweil and McShane product integration; descriptive definitions. Czechoslovak Math. J. 58 (133) (2008), No. 1, 241–269.
Nataliya Dilna, András Rontó: General conditions guaranteeing the solvability of the Cauchy problem for functional differential equations. Math. Bohem. 133 (2008), No. 4, 435–445.
Ivan Hlaváček: Mixed finite element analysis of semi-coercive unilateral contact problems with given friction. Appl. Math. 52 (2007), No. 1, 25–58.
Dagmar Medková: The Neumann problem for the Laplace equation on general domains. Czechoslovak Math. J. 57 (132) (2007), No. 4, 1107–1439.
Jiří Šremr: Solvability conditions of the Cauchy problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional differential equations with monotone operators. Math. Bohem. 132 (2007), No. 3, 263–295.
Wei Chen, Michal Křížek: What is the smallest possible constant in Céa's lemma?. Appl. Math. 51 (2006), No. 2, 129–144.
Kamil John: Pták´s characterization of reflexivity in tenzor products. Czechoslovak Math. J. 56 (131), No. 3, 923–931.
Irena Rachůnková, Milan Tvrdý: Periodic singular problem with quasilinear differential operator. Math. Bohem. 131 (2006), No. 3, 312–336.
Martin Ondreját: Brownian representations of cylindrical local martingales, martingale problem and strong Markov property of weak solutions of SPDEs in Banach spaces. Czechoslovak Math. J. 55 (130) (2005), No. 4, 1003–1039.
Roman Frič: Extension of measures: a categorical approach. Math. Bohem. 130 (2005), No. 4, 397–407.
Larisa Beilina, Sergei Korotov, Michal Křížek: Nonobtuse tetrahedral partitions tyhat refine locally towards Fichera-like corners. Appl. Math. 50 (2005), No. 6, 569–581.
Miroslav Šilhavý: On semiconvexity properties of rotationally invariant functions in dimensions. Czechoslovak Math. J. 54 (129) (2004), No. 3, 559–571.
Jaroslav Kurzweil, Štefan Schwabik: McShane equi-integrability and Vitali´s convergence theorem. Math. Bohem. 129 (2004), No. 2, 141–157.