Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS
Za Slovankou 3
182 00 Praha 8
182 00 Praha 8
Phone: +420 286 890 450; 266 052 052 sekr.
266 053 111 ústř.
266 053 111 ústř.
FAX: +420 286 586 389
Chart: ufp_chart.pdf
The Institute was founded in 1959 as the Institute of Vacuum Electronics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and renamed in 1964 to reflect changes in the field of plasma physics research. Since 1999 the Institute has been coordinating Czech participation in the EURATOM S&T programme in fusion (Association EURATOM/IPP.CR).
The Institute conducts research in the following fields:
The Institute conducts research in the following fields:
- Non-inductive current drive and heating in tokamaks by lower hybrid waves
- Edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks
- Plasma diagnostics
- High current capillary discharge
- Generation of shock waves by a plasma discharge in water
- Generation of chemically active non-equilibrium plasma in gases at atmospheric pressure and in liquids
- Generation of equilibrium water-stabilised arc discharges
- Interaction of equilibrium plasma with other states of matter as a basis for plasma spraying and waste treatment
- Materials research connected with plasma technologies
- Generation of hot dense plasma by a sub-nanosecond iodine laser
- Laser plasma as a source of intense coherent and non-coherent x-ray radiation and of multicharged ions
- Development of optical diagnostics including consulting, advisory and expertise services in the field of opticomechanical instruments and devices, optical and technical glass