Prof. PhDr. Pavel Materna, CSc.
- Contact
Institute of Philosophy
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jilská 1
Prague 1
111 00Phone:
(+420) 221 183 322
maternapavel (at)
- About me
• Research interests
logical analysis of natural language
transparent intensional logic - Selected publications
Selected publications from 2001
- Materna, Pavel. Logical Analysis of Natural Language as an Organic Part of Logic. Studia Philosophica. Vol. 62, no. 2 (2015), pp. 74-85.
- Materna, Pavel. Two Approaches to Philosophically Analyzing Language. The Logica Yearbook 2014. London: College publications, 2015 - (Arazim, P.; Dančák, M.), pp. 203-214.
- Materna, Pavel. Concepts as hyperintensional objects. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 23, no. 2 (2014), pp. 133-170.
- Materna, Pavel. Is transparent intensional logic a non-classical logic?. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 23, no. 1 (2014), pp. 47-55.
- Materna, Pavel. Světélko rozumu ve tmě oktrojované dialektiky. O úloze prof. Tondla v prostředí oficiálního Marxismu. [A light of reason in the darkness of the imposed dialectic. On the role of Prof. Tondl in the milieu of official Marxism.] Teorie vědy. Vol. 36, Suppl. (2014), pp. 173-174.
- Materna, Pavel. Equivalence of Problems. Axiomathes. Vol. 23, no. 4 (2013), pp. 617-631.
- Materna, Pavel. Atentát a pojmy. [Attempt on life and concepts.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 61, no. 2 (2013), pp. 257-265.
- Materna, Pavel. Expresivita logické analýzy přirozeného jazyka. [Expressivity of logical analysis of natural language.] Organon F. Vol. 20, Supp. 2 (2013), pp. 112-116.
- Materna, Pavel. Simple Concepts. Acta Analytica. Vol. 28, no. 3 (2013), pp. 295-319.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. TIL jako procedurální logika. Průvodce zvídavého čtenáře Transparentní intensionální logikou. [TIL as a Procedural Logic: A Guide of Transparent Intensional Logic for a Curious Reader.] Bratislava: Aleph, 2012. 414 p. - (Noema, 7).
- Materna, Pavel. Funkce - procedura - konstrukce. [Function - Procedure - Construction.] Organon F. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2012), pp. 283-305.
- Materna, Pavel. Koncert pseudootázek. [Plenty of Pseudo-questions.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 60, no. 3 (2012), pp. 431-436.
- Materna, Pavel. Mathematical and Empirical Concepts. Rationis Defensor. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012 - (Maclaurin, J.), pp. 209-233. (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 28)
- Materna, Pavel. Pojem problému z hlediska teorie konstrukcí. [The Concept of Problem from the Viewpoint of the Theory of Constructions.] Organon F. Vol. 19, Supp.1 (2012), pp. 137-143.
- Materna, Pavel. Science-Logic-Philosophy. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 21, no. 2 (2012), pp. 107-126. DOI:
- Materna, Pavel. The Role of Logical Analysis of Natural Language in Formulating Empirical Problems. News and Views. Vol. 4, 2-3 (2012), pp. 131-146.
- Materna, Pavel. Transparent Intensional Logic: A Challenge. The Logica Yearbook 2011. London: College Publications, 2012 - (Peliš, M.; Punčochář, V.), pp. 153-179.
- Materna, Pavel. A Notion of Concept is either Superfluous or Procedural. The Logica Yearbook 2010. London: College Publications, 2011 - (Peliš, M.; Punčochář, V.), pp. 125-142.
- Materna, Pavel, Kmuníček, V. Pojmy aneb co bylo dříve. [Concepts or What Preceded What.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 59, no. 5 (2011), pp. 733-745.
- Materna, Pavel. Třída - vlastnost - pojem. [Class - Property - Concept.] Organon F. Vol. 18, Suppl. (2011), pp. 26-31.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Can Concepts be Defined in Terms of Sets? Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2010), pp. 195-242. DOI:
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Co je a co není kontextualismus. [What is and what is not Contextualism.] Kontext a význam. Bratislava: aleph, 2010 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 11-21.
- Duží, Marie, Jespersen, Bjorn, Materna, Pavel. Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic. Berlin: Springer, 2010. 550 pp. - (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 17).
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Propoziční a pojmové postoje. [Propositional and Notional Attitudes.] Logika a přirozený jazyk. Praha: Filosofia, 2010, pp. 219-280.
- Materna, Pavel, Duží, Marie. Realismus a konstruktivismus z hlediska TIL. [Realism and constructivism from the perpective of TIL.] Realizmus, internalizmus, individualizmus. Bratislava: Infopress, 2010 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 75-83.
- Materna, Pavel. Concepts and Recipes. [Pojmy a recepty.] Acta Analytica. Vol. 24, no. 1 (2009), pp. 69-90.
- Materna, Pavel. The Notion of Problem, Intuitionism and Partiality. [Pojem problému, intuicionismu a parciality.] Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 17, no. 4 (2008), pp. 287-303. DOI:
- Materna, Pavel. Some Problems Connected with a Procedural Theory of Concepts. [Některé problémy spojené s procedurální teorií pojmů.] Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 2008 - (Zouhar, M.), pp. 123-131.
- Materna, Pavel, Petrželka, Josef. Definition and Concept: Aristotelian Definition Vindicated. [Definice a pojem. Ospravedlnění aristotelské definice.] Studia Neoaristotelica. Vol. 5, no. 1 (2008), pp. 3-37.
- Materna, Pavel. Church's Criticism of Carnap's Intensional Isomorphism from the Viewpoint of TIL. [Churchova kritika Carnapova intensionálního isomorfismu z hlediska TIL.] Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom. Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 2007 - (Marvan, T.; Zouhar, M.), pp. 108-118.
- Materna, Pavel. Properties of Mathematical Objects. (Gödel on classes, properties and concepts). [Vlastnosti matematických objektů. (Gödel o třídách, vlastnostech a pojmech).] Meze formalizace, analytičnosti a prostoročasu. Praha: Filosofia, 2007, pp. 71-88.
- Materna, Pavel. Once more on Analytic vs. Synthetic. [Ještě jednou o rozdílu analytický - syntetický.] Logic and Logical Philosophy. Vol. 16, no. 1 (2007), pp. 3-43. DOI:
- Duží, Marie, Jespersen, Bjørn, Materna, Pavel. Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I). [Hlediska z perspektivy logiky (I).] Organon F. Vol. 13, no. 3 (2006), pp. 277-305.
- Bolzanova teorie pojmu viděná z dnešního hlediska. [Bolzano's Theory of concepts viewed from the present-day viewpoint.] Osamělý myslitel Bernard Bolzano. Praha: Filosofia, 2006 - (Trlifajová, K.), pp. 27-45
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Logical Form. [Logická forma.] Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics ad Logic. Monza: Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, 2005 - (Sica, G.), s. 115-153.
- Materna, Pavel. Ordinary Modalities. [Běžné modality.] Logique et Analyse. Vol. 48, no. 189-192 (2005), pp. 57-70.
- Materna, Pavel, Duží, Marie. Parmenides principle (The Analysis of Aboutness). [Analýza denotace.] Philosophia. Vol. 32, no. 1-4 (2005), pp. 155-180.
- Materna, Pavel. Quine's Criticism of the First Dogma of Empiricism.[Quineova kritika "Prvního dogmatu empirismu".] Logic and Logical Philosophy. NO. 13 (2004), pp. 5-30.
- Materna, Pavel. The So-Called Myth of the Museum. Takzvaný mýtus muzea.] Organon F. Vol. 11, no. 3 (2004), pp. 229-242.
- Materna, Pavel. Conceptual Systems. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2004, 195 p.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori.[Procedurální teorie pojmů a problém syntetického a priori.] Korean Journal of Logic. Vol. 7, no. 1 (2004), p. 1-23.
- Materna, Pavel. Is Strong Correspondence (Theory of Truth) Possible? Philosophy and Logic. Search of the Polish Tradition. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 - (Hintikka, J.; Czarnecki, T.; Kijania-Placek, K.; Rojszczak, A.), pp. 13-26.
- Actuality and Possibility. From the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic. In: Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 - (Rojszczak, A.; Cachro, J.), pp. 289-295. (Synthese Library. Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. 30).
- Jespersen, Bjørn, Materna, Pavel. Are Wooden Tables Necessarily Wooden? Intensional Essentialism Versus Metaphysical Modality. Acta Analytica. Vol. 17, no. 1 (2002), pp. 115-150.
- Duží, Marie, Materna, Pavel. Propositional Attitudes Revised. The Logica Yearbook 2000. Praha: Filosofia, 2001 - (Majer, O.), pp. 163-173.
- Materna, Pavel. Logika, pravda a pluralita. [Logic, Truth, Plurality.] Filosofie po postmoderně. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2001 - (Horák, P.; Krob, J.; Rivenc, F.), pp. 19-22.
- Materna, Pavel. Konceptuální pravdy (aneb může pohádka obsahovat logický spor?). [Conceptual truths.] Filosofický časopis. Vol. 49, no. 3 (2001), pp. 425-440.
- Materna, Pavel. Funkce a konstrukce. [Functions and Constructions.] Funkcionalismus ve vědě a filosofii. Praha: Filosofia, 2001 - (Nosek, J.), pp. 52-68.
Selected older publications
- 2000: Two Notions of Concept. In: O. Majer, ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia, 13-54.
- 2000: Simple Concepts and Simple Expressions. In: O. Majer, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1999, Praha, Filosofia, 245-257.
- 2000: Filozofická logika: nová cesta? Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého (with J. Štěpán).
- 2000: Empirical Concepts. In: O. Majer, ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia, 116-125.
- 2000: Smysl, denotace, reference. In: P. Cmorej, ed.: Organon F: Denotácia, referencia a význam, 9-15.
- 1999: Indirect Correspondence Theory of Truth Vindicated. In: T. Childers, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1998, Praha, Filosofia, 36-49.
- 1999: Actuality and Possibility from the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic. In: J. Cachro, K. Kijania-Placek, eds.: 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume of Abstracts, Cracow.
- 1998: Pragmatic Meaning. In: T. Childers, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1997, Praha, Filosofia, 65-70.
- 1998: Concepts and Objects. Acta Philosophica Fennica 63, Helsinki.
- 1997: Rules of Existential Quantification into 'Intensional Context'. Studia Logica 59(3), 331-343.
- 1997: How Many Concepts Are There? In: T. Childers, P. Kolář, V. Svoboda, eds.: Logica '96.
- 1996: Three Kinds of using the identity sign. In: B. H. Partee, P. Sgall,eds.: Discourse and Meaning. Papers in Honor of Eva Hajičová.
- 1995: The Modes of Presentation: Concepts. In: J. Hill, P. Koťátko, eds.: Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning, Praha.
- 1995: Svět pojmů a logika [The World of Concepts and Logic] Praha: Filozofie AV ČR. (second edition in 1998).
- 1995: Logik und Begriff. In: I. Max, W. Stelzner, eds.: Logik und Mathematik, de Gruyter.
- 1990: Distinguishing Capability vs. Informational Capability of Attributes. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 9 (with M.Duží).
- 1989: Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka [Logical Analysis of Natural Language]. Praha: Academia (with K. Pala, J. Zlatuška).
- 1988: 'Linguistic Constructions' in the Transparent Intensional Logic. In: W. Buszkowski, W. Marciszewski, J. van Benthem, eds.: Categorial Grammar (with E. Hajičová, P. Sgall).
- 1987: Redundant Answers and Topic/Focus Articultion. Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (with E. Hajičová, P. Sgall).
- 1984: Optional Participants in a Semantic Interpretation (Arity of Predicates and Case Frames of Verbs). In: P. Sgall, ed.: Contributions To Functional Syntax, Semantics and Language Comprehension. J. Benjamins PC Amsterdam/Philadelphia (with P. Sgall).
- 1984: Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Fregeschen Kategorie des Sinnes. II. Frege Conference, Schwerin.
- 1983: On Understanding and Believing. In: In: E. Hajičová, M. Těšitelová and J. Horecký, eds.: Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 8, John Benjamins Publishing Company/Academia 211-224.
- 1981: Question-like and Non-question-like Imperative Sentences. Linguistics and Philosophy 4(3), 393-404.
- 1981: Applying Simple Theory of Types to Data Bases. Information Systems 6(4), 283-300 (with J. Pokorný).
- 1979: An Intensional Approach to Questions. Kybernetika 15(3), 161-192.
- 1978: Theory of Types and Data Description. Kybernetika 14(5), 313-327.
- 1974: Some remarks on Montague's language L0 in comparison with Tichy's language Lm. Linguistische Berichte 34, 34-39.
- 1970: On Problems. Rozpravy ČSAV (Transactions of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Praha.
- 1969: Identity, Equivalence and Isomorphism of Problems. Journal of Symbolic Logic 34, 24-34.