Laboratory of photoluminescence spectroscopy

Low temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy enables efficient investigation of the electronic structure of semiconductor materials and structures.

PL spectrometer in IPE consists of a Sumitomo optical He closed cycle cryostat coupled with THR 1000 monochromator (Jobin-Yvon) and FTIR spectrometer Nicolet 5700.

The PL setup enables sensitive and high resolution measurements in the following spectral (300-9000 nm) and temperature (3.5-300 K) ranges.

Laboratory of photoluminescence spectroscopyEquipment: 

Grating spectrometer

  • Grating spectrometer based on the THR 1000 monochromator (Jobin-Yvon).
  • Equipped with cooled GaAs photocatode photomultiplier and LN cooled high-purity Ge photodiode (Edinburg Instruments EI-L detection system).
  • Enables measurements in the spectral range 300 - 1700 nm.



Grating spectrometer

FTIR spektrometer

  • A purposely modified FTIR Nicolet 5700 spectrometer.
  • Allows collection of PL spectra in the enhanced range of 700-9000 nm (14300-1100 cm-1).


FTIR spektrometer

The following light sources are available for excitation:

He-Ne laser, HNA 181, Zeiss Jena, excitation wavelength 632.8 nm

Ar ion laser Coherent Innova 300, excitation wavelength 514.5, 488 a 457.9 nm

He-Cd laser Kimmon IK3552R-G, excitation wavelength 325 nm

Semiconductor lasers of various wavelengths are available together with DPSSL Nd-YAG laser (1064 nm) and its SHG version emitting at 532 nm.


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DIČ: CZ67985882

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