Saturday, 14 05 2016

Last update11.05 14:00

Retroactive Evaluation of the NATO Summit with the Benefit of Hindsight

From our surveys we know that this summit was the most important event at the end of November and beginning of December, and still in January it was named among the most significant recent events by 22 % of respondents to this research. We were interested in how people rated this event. It was predominantly valued by people favourably; a “definitely positive” or “mostly positive” opinion was shared by 56 % of respondents. On the other hand a “definitely negative” or “mostly negative” attitude was expressed by 33 % of people. A distinctly more favourable evaluation of the NATO Summit was given by those who support the entry of the Czech Republic to the European Union and people who trusted the President and Parliament along with those that said they would definitely participate in possible Parliamentary elections. More positive answers compared to the total were provided by followers of ODS and respondents living in Prague (a “definitely positive” or “mostly positive” opinion was shared by 76 % of Prague residents).


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