Saturday, 14 05 2016

Last update11.05 14:00

Popularity of Top Politicians

Popularity of Top Politicians

CVVM SOÚ AV ČR in October survey investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians (see table 1 and 2). They were shown a list with 23 names of top politicians from political Parties reprezented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among Party leaders Vlasta Parkanová enjoys the highest trust expressed by respondets (53 %).She is followed by Prague city mayor Pavel Bém (44 % of trustees).Little less trustees is shared by ČSSD vice chairman Bohuslav Sobotka and Greens vice chairman Martin Bursík (both 36 %). Leaders of the most strongest Parties, Jiří Paroubek and Mirek Topolánek, are found trustworthy by a third of respondents. ODS vice chairmen Petr Nečas and Miroslava Němcová enjoy trust expressed by 32 % resp. 31 % of czech citizens. A fourth of respondents confide in ODS vice chairmen Ivan Langer and Petr Bendl, KDU-ČSL 1. vice chairman Jan Kasal, Cyril Svoboda and KSČM leader Vojtěch Filip.

In comparism to results from previous survey (see table 1) expressed trust to many monitored politicians has dropped. The major drop of confidence could be seen at leader of ČSSD J. Paroubek (-12 %), B. Sobotka, KDU-ČSL politicians (previous KDU-ČSL leader M.Kalousek (-11 %) and C.Svoboda (-9 %). On contrary we investigated trust increase in P.Bém, M.Němcová and M.Bursík (all of them + 5%) and P.Nečas (+ 7 %).

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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