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Found 185 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)
2014, Ďurďovič, Martin

Záměrem článku je interpretovat Heideggerovu teorii rozumění jako zvláštní příspěvek k výzkumu lidského jednání. Nejdříve je vyložen Heideggerův pojem rozumění ve smyslu praktického ohledu obstarávání, který je odlišen od analytické teorie jednání založené na pojmu úmyslu. Následně je na pozadí Heideggerova konceptu světskosti světa zkoumána možnost chápat úmyslné jednání jako odpověď na situaci narušeného rozumění.

history of sociology, identity
Peer-reviewed journal article
2013, Ďurďovič, Martin

The aim of the article is to capture the most important hermeneutical aspects of Husse­rl’s thinking, to display them in their mutual relatedness, and to draw attention to the fact that the development of hermeneutics drew significantly on the work of Husserl and can be seen as a continuation of his endeavour by other means.

history of sociology
Peer-reviewed journal article
2012, Vinopal, Jiří

The Discussion of Subjective Quality of Working Life Indicators. This article discusses the main types of methodological approaches to the examination of subjective working life quality. In particular, it points out their common traits and differences and therefore shows their potentials as well as weaknesses in different survey purposes. Analysis of Czech worker survey data is based on the dual concept of the quality of working life, which is addressed in the first parts of the study.

work, public opinion
Article with impact factor
2012, Šubrt, Jiří, Jiří Vinopal, Stanislav Hampl, Michal Pullmann

This paper systematically maps and analyses the opinions of the Czech public on the Velvet Revolution and the social situation in the periods before and after the revolution. It first focuses attention on the image of the Velvet Revolution within the context of Czech modern history, and it explores the opinions of the public on this event. It takes a special look at how the Czech public evaluates the periods before and after 1989 and their perceptions of the entire period since 1989.

politics (and political attitudes), public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2012, Šubrt, Jiří, Jiří Vinopal, Martin Vávra
public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2011, Vinopal, Jiří

The methodological focus of this article is the empirical study of the
quality of working life and a description of a population survey instrument
developed by the author called the ‘subjective quality of working life indicator’
(SQWLI). The introduction contains a summary of the theoretical and empirical
principles that SQWLI is based on. It describes the basic (micro-, mezzo-,
and macro-) levels on which quality of working life can be measured and discusses

methodology, work, public opinion
Article with impact factor
2011, Hampl, Stanislav, Jiří Vinopal, Jiří Šubrt


economics, politics (and political attitudes), transformation, public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2011, Vinopal, Jiří

This article reviews the measurement of perceptions of quality of working life in the Czech Republic over the last two decades. It summarizes the basic results of key surveys and elaborates some of methodological aspects of measurement. In this regard it introduces the original complex instrument for measurement of subjective quality of working life (SQWL), which has been developed in recent years by the author in a series of surveys.

work, public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2011, Vinopal, Jiří

This article explores the potential of using a simple self-rating question to measure respondents’ perceived level of workplace stress in standard cross-sectional surveys. This aim is based on practical experience: while there is a range of theoretical-empirical approaches to measuring workplace stress, the design and size of the research instruments derived from them often exceed the limits for being included in a typical cross-sectional survey questionnaire.

methodology, work, public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2011, Štědroň, Bohumír, Jaroslav Poláček, Jiří Vinopal, Václav Stříteský, Lukáš Hlaváč, Tomáš Preněk, Monika Ryšavá


2011, Vinopal, Jiří

The article addresses two modalities of public opinion. Firstly it describes basic character of public opinion as a social phenomenon, especially its historical development and theoretical reflections. Secondly it elaborates the public opinion in terms of attitudes of citizens, where especially possibilities and difficulties of surveys are pointed out.

methodology, public opinion
Chapter in monograph
2010, Soukup, Tomáš, Martin Ďurďovič


EU, work, age and ageing, public policy
Non-peer-reviewed article
2010, Šubrt, Jiří, Jiří Vinopal

This article describes the results of an initial survey which is a part of broader project of
sociological research into the historical consciousness of inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Firstly,
the topic is put into the context of conceptions of historical consciousness and collective memory.
This is followed by an outline of the public's interests in history and its different fields, their sources

value orientations, politics (and political attitudes), public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2010, Kunštát, Daniel

Text presents the results of sociological survey, conducted by Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in september 2009. This extensive field survey mapped attitudes and public opinion on selected topics and issues that touch the twentieth anniversary of the November revolution in 1989.

value orientations, politics (and political attitudes), public opinion
Peer-reviewed journal article
2010, Vinopal, Jiří

The chapter concentrates on the multivalent meaning of the conception of public opinion, which could be understood as an instrument of either the rational critique or of manipulation; either being universal or plural, either as a social fact or as an aggregation of single opinions of individuals; and having various types of links to private opinions.

public opinion
Chapter in monograph
2010, Červenka, Jan

The text deals with the issue of subjective indicators of socio-economic situation and development, their explanatory value, and their relationship to the real development and its objective indicators, and some of pitfalls of their interpretation.

wages and incomes, public opinion, standard of living
Chapter in monograph
2009, Vinopal, Jiří

A new tool has been designed to measure the quality of working life in the Czech Republic, based on subjective assessments of workers. The tool is based on standard, large-scale questionnaire surveys. It aims to map a wide range of aspects characterising working life, while taking into account not only an individual’s satisfaction with each aspect of work but also the importance of these factors for the worker.

methodology, work, public opinion
Other publication
2009, Vinopal, Jiří

The article focuses on an analysis of the situation in which information
is obtained from respondents in questionnaire surveys. From the perspective
of the cognitive aspects of survey methodology the article takes a complex
view of this situation and applies theoretical concepts and empirical evidence
in order to explain the close connection between the interview situation and
the quality of the information obtained. The interview situation is portrayed

methodology, sociological data
Article with impact factor
2009, Vinopal, Jiří

Die methodologisch ausgerichtete Abhandlung befasst sich mit dem Bereich der empirischen Untersuchung der Qualität des Arbeitslebens. Sie stellt den theoretischen Hintergrund, die Entwicklung und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten eines Untersuchungsinstruments zur Messung der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Qualität des Arbeitslebens vor. Anhand einer Analyseserie zeigt sie die Präzisierung eines in klassischen standardisierten Umfrageforschungen anwendbaren Batteriepaares.

work, public opinion
Chapter in monograph
