Saturday, 14 05 2016

Last update11.05 14:00

People and Unemployment

More than a half of employees (54%) are happy with their current job, two fifths (39%) feel half contented and half discontented and 7% show their discontent. The group with the most contented employees is represented by highly qualified specialists or managers; on the opposite pole of contentment there are unskilled or agricultural labourers. As far as relations in the workplace are concerned, respondents mostly characterised them as a good form of co-operation without getting too personal (53%) and another 21% stated that there was a friendly and closed atmosphere in their workplace. Contrary to this, one quarter of employees perceive relations in their workplace in an unfavourable way when 19% described them as cold and 6% as tense and confrontational. Approximately two fifths (38%) of employees expressed their concern over a loss of a job in the next two years. Less than a half (46%) of respondents were not worried in this respect. A total majority of people consider getting a job in their field and their region as being difficult.


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