Dinitrogen fixation associated with shoots of aquatic carnivorous plants: is it ecologically important?

Sirová D., Šantrůček J., Adamec L., Bárta J., Borovec J., Pech J., Owens S. M., Šantrůčková H., Schaufele R., Štorchová H., Vrba J.
ANNALS OF BOTANY 114: 125-133, 2014

Klíčová slova: Aldrovanda vesiculosa, aquatic carnivorous Utricularia spp., daily nitrogen gain, nitrogen fixation, periphyton, traps
Abstrakt: We hypothesise that the reason for limited N2 fixation in aquatic Utricularia, despite the large potential capacity, is the high concetration of NH4-N (2.0-4.3 mg l-1) in the trap fluid. Resulting from fast turnover of organic detritus, it likely inhibits N2 fixation in most microrganisms present. Nitrogen fixation is not expected to contribute significantly to N nutrition of aquatic carnivorous plants under their typical growth conditions. However, hundreds of mg N m-2 can be supplied by the plant-microbe system annually into the nutrient-limited littoral zone where it may represent important N source.
Autoři z ÚEB: Helena Štorchová