Uniform structure of eukaryotic plasma membrane: lateral domains in plants
Malínská K., Zažímalová E.
Klíčová slova: plasma membrane; microdomains; lateral segregation; lipid rafts; auxin; plants
Abstrakt: Current models of the plasma membrane (PM) organization focus on the lateral heterogeneity of the membrane and its relation to the cell function. Increasing evidence in mammals and yeast supports the direct relationship between PM lateral microdomains and specific cell processes and functions (nutrient transport, signaling, protein and lipid sorting, endocytosis, pathogen entry etc.). However, for the present the functional significance of an enrichment of specific proteins and possibly lipids in plant PM domains as well as the underlying molecular mechanism driving the lateral PM segregation remain unaddressed. Here we summarize recent findings on the plant PM organization and its role in signaling pathways, with the special emphasis on auxin transport.
Autoři z ÚEB: Kateřina Malínská, Eva Zažímalová
Klíčová slova: plasma membrane; microdomains; lateral segregation; lipid rafts; auxin; plants
Abstrakt: Current models of the plasma membrane (PM) organization focus on the lateral heterogeneity of the membrane and its relation to the cell function. Increasing evidence in mammals and yeast supports the direct relationship between PM lateral microdomains and specific cell processes and functions (nutrient transport, signaling, protein and lipid sorting, endocytosis, pathogen entry etc.). However, for the present the functional significance of an enrichment of specific proteins and possibly lipids in plant PM domains as well as the underlying molecular mechanism driving the lateral PM segregation remain unaddressed. Here we summarize recent findings on the plant PM organization and its role in signaling pathways, with the special emphasis on auxin transport.