Religion and Ethnicity in the Late Ottoman Empire – Dr. Stefano Taglia

Religion and Ethnicity in the Late Ottoman Empire – Dr. Stefano Taglia

Thu Oct 06 18:00:00 CEST 2016

 Orientální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

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Religion and Ethnicity in the Late Ottoman Empire – Dr. Stefano Taglia


Kdy: 6. října 2016, 18:00 hod.
Kde: Posluchárna č. 238 Ústavu Blízkého východu a Afriky FF UK, Celetná 20 (2. patro), Praha 1 – Staré Město


This lecture focuses on the issue of religion and ethnicity in the modernisation of the Ottoman Empire between 1839 and 1909. During this period, the place of ethnic and religious non-dominant groups became one of the most crucial topics of discussion and policy, culminating in the battle between the Young Turk organisation and Sultan Abdülhamid II. The lecture will analyse the different projects of coexistence and conclude with a consideration of the failure of the multi-ethnic and multi-religious project that became evident in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1908.


Detailní informace:


Vstup volný, registrace netřeba. Tento program je pořádán ve spolupráci s Ústavem Blízkého východu a Afriky FF UK.


Bližší informace rád poskytne Bronislav Ostřanský (, tel.:266052210).