Bohemian King Charles IV’s Anniversary

Bohemian King Charles IV’s Anniversary

Tue May 24 12:37:59 CEST 2016

The 700th birth anniversary of King of Bohemia (1346 to 1378) and Holy Roman Emperor (1355–1378) Charles IV has been designated as one of UNESCO’s important world anniversaries for 2016–2017.

Throughout 2016, the Sept centennial anniversary will feature a wide array of commemorative events ranging from exhibitions to historical-themed festivities, conferences and celebrations. The Czech Academy Sciences will recreate the period of Charles IV at several exhibitions. The Senate of the Czech Parliament and the Academy will jointly assemble an exhibition, The Legacy of Charles IV in the Course of Centuries, highlighting the impact of Charles’ reign on current Bohemian and European societies. The Academy will explore his impact on the arts, culture, learning and architecture. The Academy will host an international conference on the King of Bohemia’s foreign policy, a colloquium on belles-lettres and literary languages of his era, a summer school centered on “Literature, Learning and Art of Charles IV’s Era” and numerous lectures. Students will be able to acquaint themselves with Charles IV reign through a game. The Academy’s participation will be part of the research programs Strategy AV21. Painting: Vladimír Pechar