Intranet Čeština

Junior researcher

The Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Center of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec (Biocev) announce an open position:


Junior Researcher


Job description:

The newly established group on Mitochondrial Structure and Gene expression at BIOCEV, Vestec near Prague, Czech Republic searches for a researcher in the field of mitochondrial genetics. Our team is focused on the biology of mitochondrial nucleoids with an emphasis on mitochondrial DNA replication and nucleoid division. Specifically, we inspect mitochondrial nucleoids in aged diabetic Goto Kakizaki rats and selected cancer cell lines by using super-resolution microscopy and molecular biology techniques. Our projects include (1) nucleoid division mechanism; (2) mitochondrial DNA replication and transcription factors; (3) alterations of mitochondrial nucleoid characteristics in aging and diabetes.



Ph.D. degree or equivalent
Research experience in cellular and molecular biology
Knowledge in mitochondrial genetics and biology, diabetes, aging, and experience in super-resolution microscopy will be beneficial
Publication activity in the field
Fulfilment at least two of following scientific criteria: a minimum of eight publications or cumulative IF >10; H-index ≥3; citations ≥20 is required (over last 10 years)
English, written and spoken, advanced level


Start date: August 2016


Workplace location: Průmyslová 595, Vestec, Czech Republic


How to apply: Send written applications in English including a motivation letter and a professional CV, list of publications, copies of certificates and grades, and contact information for two references in electronic form to and copy to


Application deadline: June 24, 2016