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Ikona české vlajky

Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Akademie věd ČR

ITAM AS CR, v. v. i.
Prosecká 809/76
190 00 Praha 9
tel.: +420 286 882 121
fax: +420 286 884 634
number of visitors: 15871558
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past programmes  
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Institutional research plan


investigator:     start year:    

Select a grant agency:
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Transport (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry for Regional Development (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Industry and Trade (4)
příznak agentury '' Financial mechanisms of EEA and Norway, NVF (1)
příznak agentury '' Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2)
příznak agentury '' OP Prague - Adaptability (1)
příznak agentury '' Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (2)
příznak agentury '' European Regional Development Fund (1)
All grants (225)

Recent grants:


příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Lime materials for restoration and conservation of authentic elements of historic structures
investigator: Válek Jan
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Analysis, description and archivation of aggregate information on properties of cultural heritage artifacts and usage of such data in restoration, conservation and research
investigator: Valach Jaroslav
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Historical Timber Structures: Typology, Diagnostics and Traditional Wood Working
investigator: Kloiber Michal
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Telč and Jesuits, Order and its Patrons
investigator: Ramešová Michaela
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Analysis and presentation of the values of modern architecture of the 1960s and 1970s as part of the national and cultural identity of the Czech Republic.
investigator: Kunecký Jiří
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic'Origins and attributes of heritage values of historic towns of the Czech Republic
investigator: Drdácký Tomáš
The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

number of records= 9

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