The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR


We are currently working on dedicated fundamental research projects (Czech Science Foundation) and technology projects (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). We are also participating in the centre of excellence "Multidisciplinary Research Centre for Advanced Materials" and the centre of competence "Research Center of Surface Treatment"

In the recent past our projects were supported also from EU funds (projects COST, EUREKA, EFDA, EURATOM) and other international projects (National Science Foundation (USA), National Research Council (Canada),programme Kontakt MŠMT ČR).

Ongoing Grant projects of our deparment:
Project Title (Principal Investigator) Project ID Provider
Research center of surface treatment (Ing. Tomáš Chráska, Ph.D.) TE02000011   TAČR
Multidisciplinary research centre for advanced materials (Ing. Tomáš Chráska, Ph.D.) 14-36566G   GAČR
Ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline metals with high strength prepared by pulsed electric current sintering (Ing. Tomáš Chráska, Ph.D.) 15-15609S   GAČR
Physical aspects of plasma spray deposition from liquid feedstock (Ing. Radek Mušálek, Ph.D.) 15-12145S   GAČR
Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with candidate fusion materials (Ing. Jiří Matějíček, Ph.D.) 14-12837S   GAČR
Evolution of bonding interface during and after plasma spraying of metallic materials on magnesium and magnesium alloy (Ing. Tomáš Kubatík, Ph.D.) 14-31538P   GAČR


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