kapitola v knize / monografii
Mansfeldová Zdenka

The Czech parliament on the road to professionalization and stabilization.

Mansfeldová Zdenka. 2014. „The Czech parliament on the road to professionalization and stabilization. .“ Pp. 33-53 in: Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, Best, Heinrich (eds.). Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. Recruitment and representation. London and New York: Routledge. 318 s. ISBN 978-0-415-84346-1.

Studie podává obraz toho, jak se proměňovala Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu ČR během dvou dekád existence ČR. Údaje, které byly k dispozici, umožňují autorce identifikovat vzorce formování a proměny parlamentních elit a utváření rekrutačních vzorců. Autorka se snaží ověřit hypotézu o proměně poslanců, o proměně amatérských politiků v profesionální politiky a experty.


The study shows the course of development taken by the Chamber of Deputies during two decades of the Czech Republic. The data available about the MPs allow the author to identify how new parliamentary elites were formed and changed, and the recruiting pattern the developed. The author tries to validate a hypothesis that there were a shift among MPs, the MPs moving from being political amateurs to professional politicians and experts.

