Contemporary documentation of the Institute of Contemporary History, 1990-2005

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The Contemporary documentation follows the political and historical development of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Czech Republic after 17th November 1989 and contains the following resources:

  1. Works of members of the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: bibliographies, book and journal publications, reviews, interviews, news, etc. (1990-2007)
  2. Elections: lists and characteristics of political parties, address books, election law, candidates, ballot papers, maps, regulations and programs of political parties, leaflets, posters, promotion articles, publications, bulletins, party papers and magazines. Articles from the press about elections, investigation of public opinion, election results. Materials of the election commission, Czech Statistical Office and many more: Elections 1990, Parliamentary elections 1992, Local elections 1994, Parliamentary elections 1996, Senate elections 1996, Parliamentary elections 1998, Local elections 1996, Senate and local elections 2000, Senate and local elections 2002, Presidential elections 2003, Referendum on joining the EU 2003, European parliament elections 2004, Senate and regional elections 2004, Parliamentary, senate and local elections 2006.
  3. Free Europe – RFE: text of broadcasts, events and opinions (1992-2002).
  4. European Union: cooperation with European Journalism Centre Maastricht – (2004); articles from the press, materials from the ministry of foreign affairs and the Information Office of the EU in Prague (2003-2005).
  5. Audio recordings (radio and television): Vaclav Havel; Vaclav Klaus; broadcasts of employees of the Institute of Contemporary History (1993-2005), History (continuously), History after 1989 (continuously), Judaism (1994-1999); Local elections 1994, Parliamentary elections 1996, Senate elections 1996, Parliamentary elections 1998, Senate and local elections 1998, 2000, 2002, Senate and regional elections 2004, Presidential elections 2003, Referendum on the Czech Republic joining the EU 2004, European Parliament elections 2004, hearing of V. Spinda in the European Parliament 2004, Government non-confidence 2005
  6. Periodicals: Bulletins of the Czech Press agency (CTK) – elections (1992), Forum CTK (1993-1994), IVVM (1990-1996), Monitoring of public opinion (1992-1996), Monitoring of the press and television (1991), Monitoring of the press CSNS (1996-1998). Weekly Television (1993-2005), Weekly Broadcast (1993-2005), Metro (1997-2005), MF Dnes (2004-2005)
  7. Articles from the press and internet: Czech Republic, president, government, parliament, political parties, history, Czech-German relations, personalities (1992-2005), etc.
  8. Materials of political parties: lists and address books of political parties, programs, regulations, personalities, articles from the press and internet (continuously) and other.
  9. Materials of the Circle of citizens of the Czechoslovak Republic expelled from the borderland in 1938: publications, articles (2003)
  10. Audio recordings: oral history, Students in the time of the fall of communism – biographical interviews (120 cassettes, 140 hours)

Ecology in the time of the so-called normalization (20 cassettes, 30 hours)

History of unedited proceedings – Looking for hope (3 cassettes, 4 hours)

November 1989 events in Pilsen (4 cassettes, 20 hours)

“The White Book” – Milan Otahal (14 cassettes, 20 hours)

“Opposition, power and society” – Milan Otahal (4 cassettes, 6 hodin)

“Round tables” – negotiations of OF and KSC 26.11.-15.12. 1989 (17 cassettes, 27 hours)

Stanislava Zachařová, documentalist (tel. 257 286 352)


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Československo 38-89 Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

Obrazové aktuality

Foto: Stanislava Kyselová (Akademický bulletin)
Foto: Stanislava Kyselová (Akademický bulletin)
Foto: Stanislava Kyselová (Akademický bulletin)

Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR byl ve dnech 24.-25. ledna 2013 hlavním pořadatelem konference "Minulost je bitevním polem současníků", která se konala v Černínském paláci v Praze u příležitosti osmdesátých narozenin prvního ředitele ÚSD prof. Viléma Prečana.
