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CCSphase - project of the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme (CZ09)

Programme operator: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Financial coordinator: Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic

Project title: Phase behaviour in CCS systems

Project acronym: CCSphase

Project ID: 7F14466


Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, v. v. i.
Dolejškova 1402/5
Prague 8, 182 00, Czech Republic
SINTEF Energy Research AS
P.O.Box 4761 Sluppen
NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway

Project duration: 15.7.2014 – 30.4.2017

Project description:

In order to realize large scale carbon capture and storage (CCS), improved understanding of the behaviour of the fluids involved is required. The CCSphase project aims to fill knowledge gaps with regards to phase equilibria and transient phase behaviour for fluid mixtures and pressure and temperature states relevant for CCS. The project will include both experimental work and modelling to improve the prediction of phase behaviour. At SINTEF Energy Research (SINTEF ER), accurate phase equilibrium data for CO2 and H2 mixtures as well as mixtures involving water relevant for CCS will be measured using a setup designed specifically for CCS fluids. At Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, v. v. i. (IT CAS), transient behaviour of the same mixtures as well as the CO2-N2 system will be experimentally studied with a highly instrumented expansion chamber using optical characterization. In this setup, metastable states and nucleation occurring during a rapid pressure drop will be investigated. In a collaborative effort, both SINTEF ER and IT CAS will develop models for transient and equilibrium phase behaviour of CO2 rich mixtures. The equilibrium properties will be modelled by adjusting parameters of the equations of state for the fluid phases and parameters of molecular based hydrate models. Nucleation processes will be modelled by modified classical nucleation theory and density gradient theory. The experimental data obtained in the project will be used to verify and improve these models. In addition to being an enabler for CCS as a part of the solution to avoiding a detrimental anthropogenic climate change, CCSphase is expected to produce large synergies between the partners both in the experimental work and modelling.

CCSphase news          Research Team          Experiments          Results  

Phase equilibrium in carbon dioxide + water system.
Comparison of cubic plus association (CPA) and Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equations of state with experimental data.

Phase diagram for water + nitrogen mixture forming gas hydrates at low temperatures and high pressures.
Comparison of the new CCS hydrate model and the experimental data.

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