

Nagyová Eva , MVDr., DSc.

Profession:vědecký pracovník
Telephone: +420 315 639 564
Mobile phone:
Department: Laboratory of Cell Regeneration and Plasticity
Building: Liběchov/
Institutional service phone: 264

Curriculum vitae:

1976 - 1981

Veterinary University Kosice, DVM degree

1985 - 1989

PhD study: Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

1989 - 1992

Reproductive Endocrinology, Research Institute of Animal Production, Prague, Czech Republic


Senior Scientist - Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Libechov

2016 Doctoral Thesis (DSc.) - “Cellular and molecular events associated with oocyte maturation in preovulatory follicles”


Interplay between granulosa cells and oocyte: Meiotic maturation of mammalian oocytes,  organization
of cumulus oophorus extracellular matrix, steroidogenesis and proteasomal proteolysis .



Society for the Study of Reproduction


European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

Internship abroad:


Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Norway (3 months)


INSERM, Clamart, France (3 months) collaboration with J. Testart, Lefevre B...


OECD Fellowship Award (26 weeks) -Cancer Research Center, Ottawa, Canada- collaboration with BC Vanderhyden, at present director of Society of Study of Reproduction in US


OECD Fellowship Award (26 weeks) Department of Public Health and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome, Italy, collaboration with Salustri A, Camaioni A,

2002 - 2007

Program of Scientific and Technological Co-operation between the Government of the Italian  Republic and the government of the Czech Republic; Department of Public Health and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome, Italy - Visiting Research- Scientist (6 x 3 months)


OECD Fellowship Award (13 weeks) - ) Department of Public Health and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome, Italy, collaboration with Salustri A, Camaioni A,

Projects (principal scientist):


GA AV–(A745 401)


GA AV–(A5045102/01)


GA CR–(305/05/0960)

Projects collaboration:

GA CR - (524/98/0231)

GA CR- (504 5102/01)

Grant 2003 from Ministro Italiano dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita et della Ricerca Scientifica

Grant 52/ZV2 from Ministry of School, Youth and Education, Program of Scientific and Technological Co-operation between the Government of the Italian Republic and the government of the Czech Republic Program

National Research Initiative Competitive Grants N. 2007-35203-18274 and N. 2011-67015-20025 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Grant PRIN 2005 from the Italy Ministry of Education

GA CR (523/08/0111)

GA CR (P502/11/0593)

GA CR (524/01/0903)

Institutional Research Project AV0Z50450515

Grant-in-Aid (Bio Media Program) from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry

Priority Research Collaboration between Slovak Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2012-2014): (N. 18. Coordination between oocyte and granulosa cells: paracrine and autocrine regulation of ovarian intrafollicular processes.)

Cancer research activity:

Project supported by GlaxoSmithKline, s.r.o. Czech Republic (2011) and by grant P502/11/0593 from Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.



Lapatinib inhibits meiotic maturation of oocyte-cumulus complexes cultured in vitro in gonadotropins-supplemented medium. Nagyova E, Nemcova L, Mlynarcikova A, Scsukova S, Kalous J.Fertil Steril. 2013 Jan 29. doi:pii: S0015-0282(13)00002-2. 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.12.040. [Epub ahead of print]


Nagyova Eva, Camaioni Antonella, Scsukova Sona, Mlymarcikova Alzbeta, Prochazka Radek, Nemcova Lucie, Salustri Antonietta.Activation of cumulus cell SMAD2/3 and epidermal growth factor receptor pathways are involved in porcine oocyte-cumulus cell expansion and steroidogenesis Molecular Reproduction and  Development (2011)  78: 391-402


Nagyova Eva, Scsukova Sona, Nemcova Lucie, Mlynarcikova Alzbeta, Yi Joung Joo, Sutovsky Miriam, Sutovsky Peter Inhibition of proteasomal proteolysis affects expression of extracellular matrix components and steroidogenesis in porcine oocyte-cumulus complexesDomestic Animal Endocrinology (2011) 10.1016/j.domaniend.2011.09.003


 Nagyová, Eva - Němcová, Lucie - Procházka, Radek
Expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 messenger RNA in porcine preovulatory ovarian follicles.
Journal of Reproduction and Development (2009) 55: 231-235


Mlynarčíková, A. - Nagyová, Eva - Ficková, M. - Scsuková, S.
Effects of selected endocrine disruptors on meiotic maturation, cumulus expansion, synthesis of hyaluronan and progesterone by porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes.
Toxicology in Vitro (2009) 23: 371-377


Nagyová, Eva - Camaioni, A. - Procházka, Radek - Day, A. J. - Salustri, A.
Synthesis of tumor necrosis factor alpha induced protein 6 in porcine preovulatory follicles; A study with A38 antibody.
Biology of Reproduction (2008) 78: 903-909


Yi, Young Joo - Nagyová, Eva - Manandhar, G. - Procházka, Radek - Šutovsky, M. - Park, C. S. - Šutovský, P.
Proteolytic activity of the 26S proteasome is required for the meiotic resumption, germinal vesicle breakdown and cumulus expansion of porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes matured in vitro.
Biology of Reproduction (2008) 78:115-126


Nagyová, Eva - Camaioni, A. - Procházka, Radek - Salustri, A.
Covalent transfer of heavy chains of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family proteins to hyaluronan in in vivo and in vitro expanded porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes.
Biology of Reproduction (2004) 71:1838-1843


Vanderhyden, B. C. - Macdonald, E. A. - Nagyová, Eva - Dhawan, A.
Evaluation of members of the TGF beta superfamily as candidates for the oocyte factors that control mouse cumulus expansion and steroidogenesis.
Reproduction (2003) 61: 55-70


Vršanská Sylvia, Nagyova Eva, Mlynarcikova Alzbeta, Fickova Maria, Kolena Jaroslav
Components of cigarette smoke inhibit expansion of oocyte-cumulus comlexes from porcine follicles.
Physiological Research (2003) 52: 383-387


Nagyová Eva, Vanderhyden B.C. and Procházka R Secretion of paracrine factors enabling expansion of cumulus cells is developmentally regulated in pig oocytes. Biology of Reproduction (2000) 63:1149-1156


Nagyova Eva, Prochazka R, Vanderhyden BC (1999)Ooocytectomy does not influence synthesis of hyaluronic acid by pig cumulus cells: Retention of hyaluronic acid after insulin-like growth factor-I treatment in serum-free medium. Biology of Reproduction (1999) 61: 569-574





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