Electrophysiological recording of glutamate-induced current responses in cultured hippocampal neurons.
Our research is mainly directed to exploration of functional and pharmacological properties of ion channels, including those activated during synaptic transmission. For that purpose, we use electrophysiological methods, primarily patch clamp technique, combined with molecular-biology, immunohistochemical and microfluorometric methods (Ca2+ imaging). Using this approach, we study properties of excitable cells, such as cultured hippocampal and granular neurons or in vitro preserved neural circuits of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal brain slices, as well as HEK293 and COS cell lines transfected with recombinant NMDA or vanilloid receptors. The goal of our research is to comprehend the relationship between structure and function of ion channels, to characterize the actions of pharmacologically active substances and to explain the molecular mechanism by which they influence ligand-gated ion channels.
For more detailed understanding of physiological mechanisms and pharmacology of ligand-gated ion channels, we use quantitative analytical techniques (including the analysis of single ion channels, measuring of intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ and mathematical modeling).
For more information and current projects visit department´s web.
Zíma, V. - Witschas, Katja - Hynková, Anna - Zímová, Lucie - Barvík, I. - Vlachová, Viktorie
Structural modeling and patch-clamp analysis of pain-related mutation TRPA1-N855S reveal inter-subunit salt bridges stabilizing the channel open state
Neuropharmacology. 2015, Vol. 93, Jun, p. 294-307
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Witschas, Katja - Jobin, M.-L. - Korkut, D. N. - Vladan, M. M. - Salgado, G. - Lecomte, S. - Vlachová, Viktorie - Alves, I. D.
Interaction of a peptide derived from C-terminus of human TRPA1 channel with model membranes mimicking the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes. 2015, Vol. 1848, 5, p. 1147-1159
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Block of NMDA receptor channels by endogenous neurosteroids: implications for the agonist induced conformational states of the channel vestibule
Scientific Reports. 2015, Vol. 5, Jun 18, p. 10935
IF = 5.578
Šepsová, V. - Karasová, J. Z. - Tobin, G. - Jun, D. - Korábečný, J. - Cabelová, P. - Jánská, K. - Krůšek, Jan - Skřenková, K. - Kuča, M. - Valko, M. - Soukup, O.
Cholinergic properties of new 7-methoxytacrine-donepezil derivatives
General Physiology and Biophysics. 2015, Vol. 34, 2, p. 189-200
IF = 1.173
Lichnerová, Katarina - Kaniaková, Martina - Park, S. P. - Skřenková, Kristýna - Wang, Y.- X. - Petralia, R. S. - Suh, Y. H. - Horák, Martin
Two N-glycosylation Sites in the GluN1 Subunit Are Essential for Releasing N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors from the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015, Vol. 290, 30, p. 18379-18390
IF = 4.573
Kudová, Eva - Chodounská, Hana - Slavíková, Barbora - Buděšínský, Miloš - Nekardová, Michaela - Vyklický, Vojtěch - Krausová, Barbora - Švehla, Pavel - Vyklický ml., Ladislav
A New Class of Potent N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Inhibitors: Sulfated Neuroactive Steroids with Lipophilic D-Ring Modifications
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2015, Vol. 58, 15, p. 5950-5966
IF = 5.447
Kořínek, Miloslav - Vyklický, Vojtěch - Borovská, Jiřina - Lichnerová, Katarina - Kaniaková, Martina - Krausová, Barbora - Krůšek, Jan - Balík, Aleš - Smejkalová, Tereza - Horák, Martin - Vyklický ml., Ladislav
Cholesterol modulates open probability and desensitization of NMDA receptors
Journal of Physiology. 2015, Vol. 593, 10, p. 2279-2293
IF = 5.037
Boušová, Kristýna - Jirků, Michaela - Bumba, Ladislav - Bednárová, Lucie - Šulc, Miroslav - Franěk, M. - Vyklický ml., Ladislav - Vondrášek, Jiří - Teisinger, Jan
PIP2 and PIP3 interact with N-terminus region of TRPM4 channel
Biophysical Chemistry. 2015, Vol. 205, Oct 2015, p. 24-32
IF = 1.986
Vyklický, Vojtěch - Kořínek, Miloslav - Smejkalová, Tereza - Balík, Aleš - Krausová, Barbora - Kaniaková, Martina - Lichnerová, Katarina - Černý, Jiří - Krůšek, Jan - Dittert, Ivan - Horák, Martin - Vyklický ml., Ladislav
Structure, function, and pharmacology of NMDA receptor channels
Physiological Research 2014, roč. 63, suppl.1, s191-s203. ISSN 0862-8408.
IF = 1.293
Šepsová, V. - Krůšek, Jan - Zdarová Karasová, J. - Zemek, F. - Musílek, K. - Kuča, K. - Soukup, O.
The interaction of quaternary reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors with the nicotinic receptor
Physiological Research. 2014, Vol. 63, 6, p. 771-777
IF = 1.293
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