In late June and early July, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on citizen satisfaction with the results of the election to the Chamber of Deputies. Over a quarter (28%) of respondents expressed that they were roughly half satisfied with the results. As regards those who provided a more exact opinion, the satisfied outweighed the dissatisfied in a ratio of 31% to 25%. 16% of respondents were unable to answer. Compared to the parliamentary election held in June 1998, the percentages of the satisfied and dissatisfied remained generally unchanged. Compared to the 1996 figures, the current results indicate a clear fall in the level of satisfaction (from 36% to 31%) and a concurrent rise in the level of dissatisfaction with the election outcome (from 18% to 25%). During the period from 1996 to 2002, there was a fall in the number of those who are roughly half satisfied (from 36% to 28%). The biggest differences in evaluation occurred depending on whom the respondent voted for in this parliamentary election. A higher level of satisfaction was reported among voters of the KSCM and the CSSD, while dissatisfaction was frequently voiced by voters of the ODS. Voters of the Coalition opted for the answer ‘roughly half satisfied’.
Our satisfaction with the election outcome
Alice Glasová Monday, 29 July 2002