Currently, 69 % of respondents claim a large or partial interest in the entry of the CZ to the EU. When evaluating how much information relating to the procedure of entering the EU Czech citizens had at their disposal, similarly as before, there was a prevailing feeling of insufficiency of the information (56 %); while 40 % of respondents are satisfied. Comprehensibility of the available information is rated considerably better (55 % satisfied, 39 % dissatisfied). The interest in the entry of the CZ to the EU and the favourable evaluation of the amount of the information has considerably increased compared with the past results. After the entry of the CZ to the EU citizens expect significant price rises in relation to food (82 % of respondents), land (76 %) and energy (72 %). Furthermore, almost two thirds expect higher prices of public transport (63 %). About a half of respondents (48 %) think that unemployment will grow considerably; however 28 % believe it will not change a lot and 12 % hope it will drop distinctly.
Czech Public and the European Union: Interest in Information and Its Evaluation. Expected Consequences of the Entry of the CZ to the EU.
Miluše Rezková Monday, 03 March 2003