Saturday, 11 06 2016

Last update10.06 12:43

Evaluation of Václav Havel’s presidency

In December survey the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused (among other issues) also – in connection with the upcoming end of Václav Havel’s constitutional mandate – on the evaluation of the president’s work according to six selected criteria. The number of positive opinions in the case of the president strongly prevailed, in particular in such attributes, where the interviewees evaluated his performance of constitutional functions, maintaining the authority and respectability of the presidential office and above all presentation in abroad. Considerably inconsistent answers – with a slight prevalence of negative evaluations – were received while reflecting interior politics engagement and the leaving president’s role as an authority for the inhabitants of the country. A largely significant prevalence of negative judgements was also evident in the issue of evaluating his relationship to citizens and his awareness of their problems.


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