A particular goal of the project is to make more effective use of sociological theory and methods in the analysis of housing demand. As the global economic crisis showed, the housing market has the potential to undermine the stability of the entire national and global economy. The standard econometric approaches failed to reliably and promptly detect the disequilibrium in the housing markets. The main objective of this project is to define alternative methods for detecting housing market disequilibrium by means of the extensive use of sociological methods. The analysis will focus on the influence of general social constructs and typical social interactions on housing preferences, expectations, and the actual choice. The project should strengthen the critical discourse in international housing research. It will contribute to a better understanding of the specific features of the housing market in the Czech Republic and specific housing attitudes of Czech citizens. Its findings will serve a broad range of other goals, such as contributing to the formation of Czech housing policy. Read more...
Project publications (total 4, displaying 1 - 4)
The aim of this article is to identify the main factors that lead to the successful reintegration of the homeless into long-term housing in the postsocialist Czech Republic, identify the barriers to successful reintegration, and, in the light of these factors and barriers, assess the effectiveness of existing and potentially new state housing policies. The authors also assess innovative changes that could be made to this assistance in the form of ‘guaranteed housing’.
One key consequence of give-away privatizations was that public housing in most post-socialist states declined within a few years to a residual share of total housing market. Despite the large differences in public/social housing policies introduced after 1995, this article will show that that almost all new social housing measures proved to be unsustainable, ineffective and often had the unintended consequence of further enhancing homeownership tenure in post-socialist housing systems.
Standardní analýzy trhu bydlení vycházejí z neoliberálního ekonomického paradigmatu, podle kterého tržní aktéři jednají individuálně a zároveň ekonomicky racionálně. V předkládané monografii autoři a autorky nabízejí alternativní pohled. Na základě dlouhodobého multimetodického výzkumu preferencí a jednání upírají svůj zájem na sociální normy spojené s bydlením a analyzují jejich vliv na chování aktérů na trhu bydlení.