Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

InAs Spinfilter Cascades

Seminář Středa, 10.08.2011 10:00 - 11:30

Přednášející: Jan Jacob (University of Hamburg – Institute of Applied Physics and Microstructure Research Center)
Místo: zasedací místnost budovy A (1. patro vedle knihovny) FzÚ, Cukrovarnická 10, Praha 6
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Oddělení spintroniky a nanoelektroniky

The combined use of the electron's charge and its spin as information carriers in the field of spintronics opens up many new opportunities for computing beyond standard CMOS-technology. While ferromagnets yield a high spin polarization semiconductors allow convenient manipulation of spins. However as the injection of a spin-polarized current from a ferromagnet into a semiconductor is not straight forward due to the conductivity mismatch and scattering at the interface, it would be favorable to have an all-semiconductor device that allows all-electric generation of spin-polarized currents. By employing the intrinsic spin Hall effect in III-V semiconductors like InAs an unpolarized current can be split into two oppositely spin-polarized currents in a y-shaped junction of three quasi one-dimensional nanowires. If such a spin filter is fed with an already spin-polarized current it reveals this polarization as a conductance difference of its two outputs allowing all-electrical detection of spin-polarized currents. A two-stage cascade of spin-filters allows investigation of basic spintronics properties. It can deliver information about spin relaxation, spin precession and the zitterbewegung.


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