Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tuesday, 14.06.2016 10:30 - 11:30

Jiri Hlinka (Department of Dielectrics )

Interesting ferromagnetic ferroelectric system permitting skyrmionic spin structure phases has also a peculiar ferroelectric transition. We shall briefly report about theoretical and experimental studies of the lattice-dynamics aspects of this phase transition.

Tuesday, 14.06.2016 15:00 - 16:00

Roman Martoňák (Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina F2, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia)

Abstract: We study the evolution of structural and electronic properties of layered semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides, MoX2 (X = S, Se, Te) upon increasing pressure, employing ab initio DFT calculations in combination with metadynamics and evolutionary search. We found that in MoS2 a layer sliding structural transition occurs at 20 GPa, converting the 2Hc stacking stable at ambient pressure to the 2Ha stacking (known in 2H-NbSe2)[1].

Thursday, 16.06.2016 10:00 - 11:00

Lukáš Ondič (Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.; Cikrovarnická 10; Praha 6)

Tightly focused electromagnetic radiation (an optical beam) can be used to capture a small particle without physically touching it. This technique, which has led to a Nobel prize in physics and a whole new industry in biotechnology, could allow for example to explore new physical regimes when it is combined with cooling the particle to its quantum ground state.

Tuesday, 28.06.2016 15:00

H. Turčičová, O. Novák (Dolní Břežany)

Past seminars

Jan Hladký Our emigrants from the department of high energy physics of the Institute of Physics of the CSAS after 1968 23.06.2011 15:00
Elizabeth John Phonon modes and ferroelectric domains in PbTiO3 thin films 23.06.2011 10:00
Ivo Nezbeda Modern statistical thermodynamics of fluids: State of the art, problems, and prospects 21.06.2011 15:00
Prof. Miha Čekada Surface growth defects in PVD coatings 21.06.2011 14:00
Ingo Allekotte Measurements of low energy radiation and other enhancements of the Pierre Auger Observatory 16.06.2011 15:00
Oliver Gutfleisch Magnetic materials in sustainable energy 14.06.2011 15:00
Dr. Alexandra Mougin Coupling with a multiferroic BiFeO3: control under electric field 13.06.2011 10:00
Karel Píška TeX: New trends in development 09.06.2011 15:00
Petr Gallus, Martin Zeman Seminar from the series "Physics at ATLAS Experiment" 03.06.2011 13:30
Victor Kukhtin Studies of ATLAS LAr calorimeter with beams of U-70 accelerator in Protvino 27.05.2011 10:30
Igor A. Savin Collaboration with Czech physicists in high energy experiments at Dubna, Serpukhov and CERN 26.05.2011 15:00
Jana Poltierová Vejpravová Nanočástice na bázi oxidů přechodných kovů: struktura a magnetismus 24.05.2011 15:00
B. Wecht New Tools for New SCFTs 24.05.2011 15:00
Dr. Ed Moses The National Ignition Facility and the Goal of Nearterm Laser Fusion Energy 23.05.2011 15:00
Jana Nováková Measurement of the cross section of Z -> tau tau process with the ATLAS detector 20.05.2011 14:00
Dr. Peter Wahl Quantum Point Contact Microscopy 18.05.2011 15:00
Michal Vlasák Search for Microscpoic Black Holes at LHC 13.05.2011 10:30
Jan Mašek Antiferromagnetic semiconductors I-Mn-V: new family of materials for spintronics 11.05.2011 15:00
Prof. Dr. R. J. Soukup, Prof. Dr. N. J. Ianno Highly Ordered Growth of SiC Deposited using A Hollow Cathode Technique; Solar Energy Engineering 11.05.2011 13:00
Richard Polifka Dijets in diffractive ep interactions with tagged leading proton at the H1 experiment 06.05.2011 13:30
Jan Blaha Calorimetry at a future high energy electron positron collider 28.04.2011 15:00
Rolf Moeller Electronic transport on the nanoscale 28.04.2011 15:00
Seong Hee Park Research activities on laser-plasma electron acceleration and gamma-ray generations at KAERI 20.04.2011 14:00
Kitae Lee Interaction of ultraintense laser pulse with plasmas for the generation of a high energy proton beam and an ultrashort x-ray pulse 20.04.2011 14:00
Jiří Pešek Some aspects of non-equilibrium thermodynamics for small stochastic systems - part II 29.03.2011 15:00
Miroslav Havránek Upgrade of pixel detector in the ATLAS Experiment 25.03.2011 13:30
B. Rus, K. Rohlena Major thematic physics projects in the ELI-Beamlines laser facility: ultra-intense sources of radiation and accelerated particles, exotic physics 23.03.2011 15:00
Mojmír Šob Studium struktury a magnetismu hranic zrn v železe a v niklu z prvních principů 22.03.2011 15:00
Andreas Heinrich Probing the energetics and dynamics of individual atomic spins on surfaces 21.03.2011 15:00

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