Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tuesday, 14.06.2016 10:30 - 11:30

Jiri Hlinka (Department of Dielectrics )

Interesting ferromagnetic ferroelectric system permitting skyrmionic spin structure phases has also a peculiar ferroelectric transition. We shall briefly report about theoretical and experimental studies of the lattice-dynamics aspects of this phase transition.

Tuesday, 14.06.2016 15:00 - 16:00

Roman Martoňák (Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina F2, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia)

Abstract: We study the evolution of structural and electronic properties of layered semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides, MoX2 (X = S, Se, Te) upon increasing pressure, employing ab initio DFT calculations in combination with metadynamics and evolutionary search. We found that in MoS2 a layer sliding structural transition occurs at 20 GPa, converting the 2Hc stacking stable at ambient pressure to the 2Ha stacking (known in 2H-NbSe2)[1].

Thursday, 16.06.2016 10:00 - 11:00

Lukáš Ondič (Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.; Cikrovarnická 10; Praha 6)

Tightly focused electromagnetic radiation (an optical beam) can be used to capture a small particle without physically touching it. This technique, which has led to a Nobel prize in physics and a whole new industry in biotechnology, could allow for example to explore new physical regimes when it is combined with cooling the particle to its quantum ground state.

Tuesday, 28.06.2016 15:00

H. Turčičová, O. Novák (Dolní Břežany)

Past seminars

Prof. Hua Shu Hsu Introduction to Magnetic Circular Dichroism and its application in magnetic semiconductor 27.04.2015 13:00
Jiří Chaloupka Magnetism of layered honeycomb iridates 21.04.2015 15:00
Alexander Poddubny Surface engineering in silicon- and germanium- based nanocrystals 21.04.2015 10:00
Hendrik Vita Interaction of magnetic and non-magnetic metals with graphene 14.04.2015 15:00
Roman Fasel Electronic and optical properties of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons 09.04.2015 15:00
Holger Kersten Non-conventional diagnostics for process plasmas 08.04.2015 15:00
Jan Skolimowski Anderson and Mott transitions in presence of the spin-dependent disorder 07.04.2015 15:00
Prof. David Crandles Infrared spectroscopy of dilute magnetic semiconductors 02.04.2015 10:00
Prof. Gerard Mourou Extreme Light: Bridging Optics and Fundamental High Energy Physics - The first steps towards Zeptosecond and Zettawatt Science 25.03.2015 17:00
Vladislav Pokorný Perturbation theory of a zero-pi transition in a superconducting quantum dot system 24.03.2015 15:00
Tomáš Polívka Carotenoid photophysics Rich excited-state properties of seemingly simple molecules 24.03.2015 10:00
Jiří Mareš K- and eta mesons in atomic nuclei 19.03.2015 14:00
Styliani Skiadopoulou Spin and lattice excitations of a BiFeO3 thin film and ceramics 17.03.2015 10:00
Pavel Středa Scattering matrix approach to the anomalous Hall effect 11.03.2015 10:00
Veronica Goian Ferroelectricity and spin-phonon coupling in multiferroic Sr1-xBaxMnO3 03.03.2015 10:00
Dr. Deepak Kar All about partonic showers 19.02.2015 14:00
Jiří Červenka DNA detection using graphene and diamond 17.02.2015 10:00
Pablo Merino Single photon emission in STM-induced luminescence from fullerene excitons 10.02.2015 10:00
Dr. Barbara Trzeciak Heavy flavor era at RHIC 05.02.2015 14:00
Anna Fucikova Various ways of preparing and modifying silicon nanocrystals 03.02.2015 10:00
Karel Výborný Terahertz Spectroscopy of Artificial Graphene 22.01.2015 14:00
Pavel Márton Phase­‐field simulation of dielectric response of multidomain BaTiO3 20.01.2015 10:00
Giuseppe Foti Elastic and inelastic electron transport through alkane-based molecular junctions 13.01.2015 10:00
Alexander V. Bulgakov Time‐of‐flight Mass spectrometry in laser‐matter interaction studies 12.01.2015 15:00
A. P. Kamantsev Direct Measurements of Magnetocaloric Properties of Magnetics in Bitter Magnet: New Techniques & Materials 08.01.2015 14:30
Peter Mohn Research at the Center for Computational Materials Science (CMS) 16.12.2014 15:00
Peter Liljeroth Low-temperature STM on molecules and atomically well-defined graphene structures 16.12.2014 10:00
Prof. Cristian FOCSA Laser Ablation Fundamentals and Applications 15.12.2014 15:00
Prof. Jan P. F. Lagerwall and Dr. Giusy Scalia Playing with liquid crystal bubbles and Molecular wires from discotic liquid crystals 15.12.2014 10:30
Prof. Sebastiaan van Dijken Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Domain Wall Motion in Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Heterostructures 09.12.2014 13:00

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