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Peer-reviewed journal article
Nešpor, Zdeněk R.

Katolická církev v Československu 1945-1989

Nešpor, Zdeněk R. 2008. „Katolická církev v Československu 1945-1989.“ Český časopis historický 106 (4): 859-868. ISSN 0862-6111.

Almost two decades have passed since the fall of the Communist regime and the religious and ecclesiastical history of the Czech Lands in the second half of the 20th century have not yet been adequately documented. Thus, the author reviewing Balík and Hanuš’s synthesis Katolická církev v Československu 1945–1989 (The Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia 1945-1989) considers its publication to represent an important milestone. When assessing this volume he emphasizes the juxtaposition of the historical and sociological („mentalist“) perspectives, as well as its contribution towards the formation of a Catholic identity in a free society, yet the shortcomings of the chosen approach and the fact that this might not be generally accepted are also acknowledged and outlined.


history of sociology
religion and religiosity