Abscisic acid, gibberellins and brassinosteroids in Kelpak®, a commercial seaweed extract made from Ecklonia maxima
Stirk W. A., Tarkowská D., Turečová V., Strnad M., van Staden J.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-0062-z : , 2013
Keywords: Abscisic acid, Agricultural biostimulant, Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, Plant growth regulators
Screening microalgae for some potentially useful agricultural and pharmaceutical secondary metabolites
Ordog, V.; Stirk, W. A.; Lenobel, René; Bancířová, Martina; Strnad, Miroslav; van Staden, J.; Szigeti, J.; Nemeth, L.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY 16 [4] : 309-314 , 2004
Keywords: anticancer; antimicrobial; Chlorophyta