Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Project AIDA-2020

We participate in the project „Advanced European infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators“, acronym AIDA-2020, proposal number 654168. The project started in May 2015 and lasts 4 years. The project brings together the leading European infrastructures in detector development and a number of academic institutes. In total 19 countries and CERN are involved in this programme, which follows closely priorities of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.

We participate in the work package 14: Infrastructure for advanced calorimeters and work package 5: Data acquisition system for beam tests. Specific tasks include: Test infrastructure for innovative calorimeters with optical readout together with University of Bergen, Readout system for innovative calorimeters together with DESY Hamburg and Development of data quality and slow control monitoring together with several UK Institutions (under leadership of University College London and University Bristol) and DESY Hamburg.

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