EMS e-news 32, September 2019



Dear EMS members,


Let me welcome you all back after a hopefully relaxing summer, with hopefully also a lot of great scientific activities. A mathematical highlight this summer was definitely the ICIAM congress in Valencia, see www.iciam2019.org/ , which had approximately 4000 participants and was opened by the King of Spain. The congress covered all areas of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and clearly showed the importance of mathematics in society.

The EMS publishing house has now moved to Berlin, see www.ems-ph.com, and is still very busy with the legal and administrative tasks of this transition. At the same time a lot of discussions are underway to change current publishing models to ensure that academic publishing is of the highest quality, sustainable, openly available, and a joint endeavour of the mathematical community including the library associations. This initiative is also a reaction to Plan S of the European Commission, which threatens the existence of community publishing houses.

A worrying recent development concerns the European commission’s attitude to research. It is not only the new name of the portfolio that is of concern (“education” and “research” are no longer explicitly represented but instead are subsumed into “innovation and youth”), but also the potential budget for the coming years. There is a major protest campaign against these developments. Please see www.futureofresearch.eu. I really hope that the mathematical community will stand together in sailing through these difficult waters.


Volker Mehrmann

EMS President






The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter is online now (more details below): https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2019-09-113.pdf


Caucasian Mathematics Conference (CMC)

The third Caucasian Mathematics Conference successfully took place in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) 26-29 August 2019. With 120 mathematicians from 15 countries having registered, a large majority arrived to participate, with 15 plenary and 30 session talks delivered. The EMS Speaker Ragni Piene was the first woman to deliver a plenary lecture at CMC, and the ratio of women was above 20 percent. The Steering Committee plans to host the fourth CMC in Yerevan (Armenia) in August 2021, and the fifth in Azerbaijan, followed by Iran. The CMC participants hope to act as an example of the possibilities for deepening cooperation between the countries of the region.





Armenian Mathematical Union

- The next EMS Executive Committee meeting will be held in Yerevan, 11-13 October 2019.

- The upcoming AMU Annual Meeting, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Yerevan State University, will be held 18-19 October, 2019.


Israel Mathematical Union (IMU)

The Israel Mathematical Union held its annual meeting on 13 June 2019 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, with more than 150 participants.  Plenary talks were given by Ron Peled (Tel Aviv University), Lev Buhovski (Tel Aviv University) and Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew University). Five parallel sessions took place, and a poster competition was held. On this occasion

- The Erdős prize was awarded to Lev Buhovski (Tel Aviv University)

- The Levitski prize in Algebra was awarded jointly to Ori Parzanchevski (Hebrew University) and Doron Puder (Tel Aviv university)

- The Nessiyahu prize for Ph.D. thesis was awarded to Yuval Peled (Hebrew University, supervisor Nati Linial).

The IMU is also proud to report that the Israeli national team won first place in the International Mathematics Competition for University Students in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria in July.


London Mathematical Society (LMS)

- Edward Witten (IAS, Princeton) and Don Zagier (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics) have been elected LMS honorary members



- The LMS and IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications) awarded the 2019 David Crighton Medal to Ken Brown (University of Glasgow) for his seminal contributions to non commutative algebra and for his remarkable record of service and dedication to the UK mathematics community.



- The LMS Annual General Meeting and Presidential Address will take place on 29 November 2019.

- Alan Turing will appear on the new £50 banknote. The LMS contributed to the design of the banknote and gave approval for two mathematical excerpts from Turing’s seminal article in Proceedings of the LMS to be featured on the new banknote.



Polish Mathematical Society

A meeting to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Mathematical Society was held in Cracow, 3-7 September 2019. The Mathematical Society in Cracow was founded on 2nd April 1919, and soon after transformed into the Polish Mathematical Society. The congress included lectures by outstanding researchers and panel discussions.

Mathematics teachers were present, as well as representatives of other communities connected with mathematics. The main Prizes of the Polish Mathematical Society were awarded to the following professors: Wojciech Kucharz, Maksym Radziwill, Marek Rutkowski, and Michal Krych. Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon was awarded the honorary membership of the Polish Mathematical Society.


Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)

- The José Luis Rubio de Francia Prize 2018 has been awarded to Joaquim Serra Montolí (ETH Zürich) for his results in the analysis of elliptic nonlinear integro-differential equations, his contributions to the theory of regularity for minimal surfaces, together with his works on free boundary regularity and singularities in the classical obstacle problem. This prize is awarded every year (since 2004) by the RSME to an outstanding mathematician under 32, who has developed their work in Spain.



- The 2019 RSME medals in their 2019 edition have been awarded to Marisa Fernández Rodríguez (Universidad del País Vasco), Jesús María Sanz Serna (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), and Sebastià Xambó (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). These medals are awarded by the RSME to express public recognition to three prominent people for their relevant, exceptional, and continuous contributions to any field of Mathematics in Spain.



- The Mathematics Research Awards Vicent Caselles RSME-BBVA 2019. The RSME, together with BBVA Foundation, has awarded six prizes to young researchers in mathematics.


- Young Researchers Conference. The RSME is organising its fifth Young Researchers Conference in Mathematics, to be held at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón (Spain), 27-31 January 2020.



Serbian Scientific Mathematical Society (SSMS)
1st Congress of Young Mathematicians in Novi Sad, Serbia (KKMNS), 3 – 5 October 2019.

The participants are young scientists, with a doctorate obtained within the last 10 years and current PhD students. There will be 4 plenary lectures and a number of contributed talks, covering broad range of mathematical topics.


Email: snmd@turing.mi.sanu.ac.rs



Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI)

SIMAI Biennial Congress 2020: the XV SIMAI Congress will be held 15-19 June 2020 at the University of Parma. The congress will bring together researchers and professionals from academia and industry who study mathematical and numerical models and their applications to industrial and real-life problems.

There will be six plenary lectures and a special lecture by a representative of industry, as well as several mini-symposia, contributed talks and a poster session, plus a special Industrial Session allowing the participation of industrial researchers and representatives. The congress is part of "Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020": http://turismo.comune.parma.it/en/thematic-channels/discover-the-area/art-and-culture

From 1st October 2019 calls will open for thematic mini-symposia, talks, and posters. The submission deadline for mini-symposia is 10 January 2020.

For more information and deadlines see http://www.simai.unipr.it/

Contact: infosimai2020@unipr.it


Swedish Mathematical Society

The Wallenbergprize for 2019 has been awarded to Mikael Björklund (Chalmers) and Erik Lindgren (Uppsala).


Ukrainian Mathematical Society

The 2018 Lavrentiev Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was awarded to Oleksandr Danylenko (B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engeneering of NASU), Yuriy Drozd and Volodymyr Koshmanenko (Institute of Mathematics of NASU) for a cycle of works “New Methods in the Theory of Dynamical Systems, Group Actions and the Theory of Representations”.





Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)

- The EMS-CDC has established the ERCE label (Emerging Regional Centres of Excellence), awarded to institutes which are outstanding in their area of influence in research and education, attracting students from other regions and countries. The label is granted for 4 years with the possibility of renewal. The focus of this award is the education of students in the developing world to Masters level and possibly PhD. To train mathematicians from the least developed regions to Masters level, it is no longer necessary to send them to institutions in highly developed countries, since there are more and more well-organized regional centres of excellence. The next Call for ERCE Proposals will open on November 15th, 2019.



- The next deadline for EMS-Simons for Africa grants is on 15 November. Its goal is to promote individual career possibilities, with the consequence of an improved global capacity in African academic institutions. The program is open to all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics and it is directed to fellows based in Africa.


Education Committee

Mathematics Journalistic Article Competition (EMS MJAC-2020) For School Students of age 10-19.

The EMS announces a new competition for writing a journalistic expository article of philosophical reflection, investigation and expression of ideas on the subject: “Mathematics is Everywhere”. The deadline for submitting articles is 15 December 2019. For any questions, email projects@cms.org.cy





* Joint AMS-SMF-EMS Conference, Grenoble (France) July 5 - 9 2021 Call for Proposals for Special Sessions The Call for Proposals for special sessions for the 2021 AMS-SMF-EMS Joint International Meeting to be held in Grenoble, France, in July

2021 is open. The deadline for special session proposals is April 15, 2020.





The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N112- September 2019) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2019-09-113.pdf

Highlights include:


- Andrei Okounov to Deliver a Public Lecture at 8ECM - T. Pisanski

- The EMS Publishing House - V. Zagrebnov & V. Mehrmann

- Fourier, One Man, Several Lives - B. Maurey

- Interview with Abel Laureate Karen Uhlenbeck - B. I. Dundas & C. Skau

- Interview with Eva Miranda - NCCR SwissMAPICM

- 2018 in Rio – A Personal Account, Part II - U. Persson

- Two Cases of the History of Algebraic Expressions - E. Sammarchi

- The UMI Archives - Debates in the Italian Mathematical Community, 1922–1938 - L. Giacardi & R. Tazzioli

- The Secondary-Tertiary Transition in Mathematics. Successful Students in Crisis - F. Gregorio et al.

- The Italian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - L. Formaggia & N. Bellomo

- Mathematical Research Data – An Analysis through zbMATH References - K. Hulek et al Rassias





Recent book:

Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics Michael Baake, Friedrich Götze and Werner Hoffmann, Editors



For more information about our Publishing House, see http://www.ems-ph.org/




2020 Breakthrough Prize

The winners of the 2020 Breakthrough Prizes in Life Science, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics have been announced. The 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics has been awarded to Alex Eskin, University of Chicago, for revolutionary discoveries in the dynamics and geometry of moduli spaces of Abelian differentials, including the proof of the “magic wand theorem” with Maryam Mirzakhani.



David Goss Prize in Number Theory of the Journal of Number Theory
The first David Goss Prize was awarded to Alexander Smith of Harvard University at the First JNT Biennial Conference. The prize is dedicated to the memory of David Goss who was the former editor in chief of the Journal of Number Theory.



Radcliffe Institute Fellowship

Become a Radcliffe Fellow! Based in Radcliffe Yard —a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard University— a fellowship at Radcliffe is an opportunity to step away from usual routines and dive deeply into a project. With access to Harvard’s unparalleled resources, Radcliffe fellows develop new tools and methods, challenge artistic and scholarly conventions, and illuminate our past and our present. Radcliffe fellows are in residence for a period of nine months, 1 September 2020 – 31 May 2021, and receive a stipend of $77,500 plus an additional $5,000 to cover project expenses. Fellows are expected to be free of their regular commitments so that they may fully devote themselves to the work outlined in their proposal.  Applications for the 2020-2021 fellowship are due by 3 October 2019.




Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMSnewsletter

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/EMSnewsletter



For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Université Paris Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.

e-mail:  Mireille.Chaleyat-Maurel@math-info.univ-paris5.fr