EMS e-news 35, June 2020


Dear members of the EMS,

This is a very sad editorial. The covid-19 crisis has taken and continues to take the lives of many people. It  has led to severe restrictions of usual scientific cooperation, with conferences, workshops, and research and student exchange visits being cancelled, postponed or moved to virtual platforms. This includes our own European Congress of Mathematics, which has been postponed to June 20-23, 2021 (more details below). Another disturbing development is that in some countries the decision makers do not listen to or ignore scientific advice, which has led to a huge death toll. But also the responsibility of our community is not very pronounced. Proper statistical analysis and mathematical modelling are essential tools for combatting this frightening pandemic and we (through our Applied Mathematics Committee), as well as many other mathematical societies, have initiatives underway.

Despite all this bad news, still the life of our community continues. We have decided to announce the prize winners of the EMS, 
Felix Klein and Otto Neugebauer prizes (details below). We send many congratulations to all prize winners.

Another important development is taking place in the European Mathematical Society Publishing House, EMS Press, which has launched its new web platform https://ems.press/ and is setting up a community oriented open access initiative “Subscribe to Open” for its publications, https://ems.press/subscribe-to-open.

As already indicated in my last editorial the 30th anniversary of EMS is taking place in 2020 and we are currently carefully planning a meeting in Edinburgh on October 29. For more details watch the EMS website in the coming weeks.

Unfortunately, the most important organisational event of the EMS, the biannual Council, which elects the members of the Executive Committee and decides the venue for the next congress, also had to be postponed. A virtual meeting will take place on July 4, where all major decisions will be made, and a more informative meeting is planned jointly with the meeting of presidents in Edinburgh October 30, 2020.

Let me close with an appeal to stand together in these hard times, and to support each other for the further development of mathematics in Europe.

Volker Mehrmann
EMS President


The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N116-June 2020) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2020-06-116.pdf  (more details below)



After careful consideration of all available options and in view of the safety and well-being of all participants, a final decision was made to move the date of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM). The 8ECM organizers and the EMS announce a new date for the Congress: 20–26 June, 2021 in Portorož, Slovenia (the same location as previously advertised). One of the innovations at the event will be an online streaming format, with the possibility for full and active E-participation, besides the regular conference format. See https://8ecm.si/news/68 for more information. The 8ECM organizers are confident that the Congress will be as magnificent as ever, and are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Portorož in 2021!


Every four years, at the opening ceremony of the European Congress, the EMS awards its 10 EMS Prizes, along with the Felix Klein Prize and the Otto Neugebauer Prize. Unfortunately the postponement of the congress required a break with tradition, so the prizes were announced in May. The winners of the EMS Prizes are:


Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew University of Jerusalem / University of Copenhagen)

Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)

Alexander Efimov (Steklov, Moscow)

Simion Filip (Chicago)

Aleksandr Logunov (Princeton)

Kaisa Matomäki (Turku)

Phan Thành Nam (LMU Munich)

Joaquim Serra (ETH Zurich)

Jack Thorne (Cambridge)

Maryna Viazovska (EPFL, Lausanne)


The Felix Klein Prize is awarded “to a scientist, or a group of at most three scientists, under the age of 38 for using sophisticated methods to give an outstanding solution, which meets with the complete satisfaction of industry, to a concrete and difficult industrial problem.” The 2020 Felix Klein Prize winner is Arnulf Jentzen (University of Münster).


The Otto Neugebauer Prize is awarded “for highly original and influential work in the field of history of mathematics that enhances our understanding of either the development of mathematics or a particular mathematical subject in any period and in any geographical region.” The 2020 Otto Neugebauer Prize winner is Karine Chemla (Université de Paris and CNRS)


See https://8ecm.si/prizes for more information about the laureates and their work.


The Prize Committee for the EMS Prizes was presided over by Martin Bridson (University of Oxford). All prize lectures will take place at 8ECM in 2021 (see previous item).


The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has awarded the Abel Prize for 2020 to Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ​ and Gregory Margulis (Yale University) “for pioneering the use of methods from probability and dynamics in group theory, number theory and combinatorics”

More information: https://www.abelprize.no


1. Sadly the official launch at UNESCO was cancelled and the African launch at the Next Einstein Forum has been postponed, both because of the COVID-19 epidemic. They were replaced by a live global launch at https://www.idm314.org/launch-2020.html, which premiered the worldwide video, “Mathematics is Everywhere”. Throughout the day special announcements were posted as well as videos, photos, and experiences from around the world.

2. The IDM aroused worldwide enthusiasm with 1043 celebrations announced in more than 110 countries. Unfortunately again, many of these events were cancelled due to the epidemic. This led to spontaneous online presentations via videos and recorded talks and home celebrations in many countries.

3. UNESCO published a webpage with the IDM: https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/mathematics, which is translated in the six languages of UNESCO.

4. We invite you to celebrate March 14 next year! The 2021 theme is "Mathematics for a Better World". If you have not done so, please register for the IDM newsletter at http://www.idm314.org.


Cyprus Mathematical Society
A new ERASMUS+ EU funded project is developing with the name "STEAME: Guidelines for Developing and Implementing STEAME Schools” (2019-2021), http://www.steame.eu. STEAME stands for “Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics-Entrepreneurship”. The project will produce three main outputs:
O1. Guidelines for dynamic and adaptive STEAME curricula
O2. Guidelines for STEAME Activities in Schools for two age groups
O3. Guidelines for STEAME School Organizational Structure

This project has announced a call for the "Journal of STEAME Creations for and by School Students", where school students can publish their STEAME project work. The journal banner can be found at the website above. The STEAME Observatory is also coming up, where visitors can find material to run STEAME activities in their schools. The banner for the Observatory is also open for subscription at the website above. The project is coordinated by the Cyprus Mathematical Society and a partnership of 6 other organizations: the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute in Cyprus, the Pedagogical University of Krakow in Poland, the Prof. Ivan Apostolov Private English Language School in Bulgaria, the Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) in Greece, the Doukas School of Education in Greece, and the ITC Pacle Morante Limbiate in Italy. For more information contact project coordinator Prof. Gregoris Makrides, at projects@cms.org.cy


Cyprus Mathematical Society: http://www.cms.org.cy

Royal Dutch Mathematical Society

  • April 14, Barry Koren succeeded Jan Wiegerinck as the president of the Dutch Royal Mathematical Society (the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap), the oldest of all present-day national mathematical societies worldwide.
  • The Netherlands Mathematical Congress, 14-15 April 2020 was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme of NMC2020 will be carried over as much as possible to NMC 2021 (6-7 April).

SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, France)
The CIJM fair took place virtually, 28 May - 1 June: https://www.cijm.org/

Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
The UMI organized an online gala to celebrate women in mathematics, which was held on Wednesday May 27th 2020 as part of the International Day of Women in Mathematics https://may12.womeninmaths.org. This Italian Language event was streamed on the UMI Facebook page and is available to watch on the MaddMaths! Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCARXQpE22VWkoiJ-MsjIY3w.

Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI)
- SIMAI Conference postponed to next January 2021.

The 2020 edition of SIMAI’s bi-annual congress will be held in Parma, hosted by the Università di Parma, at the Campus Congress Center “Plesso Aule delle Scienze”, Parco Area delle Scienze, 43124 Parma. The conference was originally planned to take place 15-19 June 2020. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the SIMAI Board, together with the local organisers, decided to postone it to the beginning of next year.

Lithuanian Mathematical Society
The 2020 Lithuanian Mathematical Society Young mathematicians' prize has been awarded to Paulius Drungilas (Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) for his cycle of works "Arithmetic properties of particular algebraic numbers and polynomials". The biennial LMS Young mathematicians' prize is awarded to Lithuanian scientists, not older than 40 years, for significant individual mathematical research.

Polish Mathematical Society
In 2020 the Polish Mathematical Society (PTM) has awarded its two highest prizes:

  • Yuriy Tomilov  (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences) is the winner of The Stefan Banach Main Prize 2019 for deep and broadly cited results in the field of operator theory and semigroups of operators on Banach spaces and their applications in the theory of differential equations and ergodic theory.
  • Adam Bobrowski (Lublin University of Technology) is a recipient of The Hugo Steinhaus Main Prize 2019 for overall achievements in the field of mathematics applications (functional analysis and stochastic processes).

The PTM Prize for Young Mathematicians 2019 was awarded to Agnieszka Hejna (University of Wroclaw) for a cycle of five works from harmonic analysis published in renowned mathematical journals, and to Dominik Burek (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) for a series of four papers on the subject of the Calabi-Yau variety published in renowned mathematical journals.

Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MISANU)
- May Month of Mathematics 2020 in Serbia, http://m3.rs/
For the ninth time, MISANU organised the May Month of Mathematics (M3) in collaboration with the Center for the Promotion of Science. It is the largest event in Serbia for the promotion of science. Due to the epidemic, M3 took place in cyberspace.

Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)

  • Events postponed to 2021:
    1. SMM-RSME Congress 2020
    The joint meeting of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española RSME and the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana SMME, originally planned for June 2020 in Spain, has been postponed to December 2021.

    2. RSME-UMA joint meeting 2020
    The joint meeting of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española RSME and the Unión Matemática Argentina UMA, originally planned for December 2020 at the University of Málaga, Spain, has been postponed to December 2021.
    https://rsme2020uma.rsme.es/ (website under construction)

    3. 8th Edition of the Iberian Mathematical Meeting
    The eighth edition of this event (jointly organized by the Real Sociedad Matemática Española and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática) was planned to take place in Seville, Spain, 7-9 October 2020, as originally planned, however it has been postponed to the same period of the year 2021.

  • 2021 RSME Conference in Ciudad Real
    The 2021 biennial conference of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española will take place on the Ciudad Real Campus of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). The list of plenary speakers is available at the website https://2021.bienalrsme.com/. The call for Proposals for Special Sessions is open until 30th June.
  • New editorial team of the Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
    The scientific journal of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española, the Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, has renewed its editorial team.

Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA)


  • CEDYA2020: https://cedya2020.es/en
    The XXVI Congress of Differential Equations and Applications /XVI Congress of Applied Mathematics (CEDYA/CMA), SeMA’s biennial congress, will be held in  of Gijón (Spain).
    Due to the current pandemic the organizers have decided to postpone the congress. The new dates are 14-18 June 2021.
  • XVIII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications (HYP2020)   
    This conference, which is a satellite event of ICIAM2019,  will be held in Málaga (Spain). Due to the current pandemic, the organizers have decided to postponed this event. The new dates are 28 June - 2 July 2021.





Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)
Several BCAM members in collaboration with Ikerbasque, the University of the Basque Country and health institutions are taking part in a working group on COVID-19 and are focusing their research on real-time prediction of the epidemiological evolution of coronavirus, the estimation of the number of expected hospital admissions and on the improvement, comparison and evaluation of advanced models of prediction of the disease.

London Mathematical Society (LMS)

  • The LMS UK-Lebanon Atiyah Fellowship scheme was set up in memory of Sir Michael Atiyah, OM (1929-2019).  The first two fellowships, for the academic year  2020-21, have been awarded to Mark Wildon (Royal Holloway, University of London) and Ahmad Sabra (American University of Beirut, Lebanon). https://tinyurl.com/tvweckc
  • LMS member Sarah Hart, Professor of Mathematics at Birkbeck, University of London has been appointed Gresham Professor of Geometry. The position is the oldest mathematical chair in Britain and Professor Hart is the first woman to be appointed in its 423-year history. Many distinguished mathematicians have held the position previously including Henry Briggs, Robert Hooke, Karl Pearson, Sir Roger Penrose, and John D Barrow.


Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences is currently hosting our first virtual programme on the mathematical and statistical challenges in understanding the dynamics of infectious disease pandemics. The programme includes a number of different activities including virtual seminars, discussion sessions and study groups. The key aim of the programme is to give experts the space and time to discuss, explore and analyse underlying model assumptions and surrounding issues including contact tracing, use of diagnostics, and social distancing. To find out more about the programme’s activities and ways to get involved please see the programme webpage: https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/idp .

The Richard-von-Mises-Prize has been awarded by GAMM to Elisa Davoli (Wien) and Fadi Aldakheel (Hannover) in appreciation for excellent scientific achievements in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. The Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Prize for an excellent dissertation in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics has been awarded to Julian Kochmann (Aachen), Dominik Stöger (München), Julian Heß (Darmstadt) and Philip Saltenberger (Braunschweig).



- ICIAM webpage: Mathematics of Covid-19
Mathematicians worldwide are contributing to the understanding of the Covid-19 epidemic, working with specialists such as microbiologists and virologists on mathematical models that take into account the different situations in different countries. ICIAM has created a page to collect these activities and projects from all over the world and provide a global view of the contributions of mathematics to help in the fight against COVID-19.  http://www.iciam.org/mathematics-covid-19



Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)
Donate to the EMS Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)!
The CDC has an important mission in supporting mathematics research and education in developing countries

You can make your donation together with your EMS membership payment or by paying with a credit card:
or directly to the CDC bank account: EMS-CDC, IBAN: FI78 1572 3000 3811 60, SWIFT/BIC NDEAFIHH



Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) Newsletter
The CWM newsletter can be found at: https://www.mathunion.org/fileadmin/CWM/Initiatives/CWMNewsletter3.pdf

It starts with an editorial followed by an interview with CWM member Cheryl Praeger. Cheryl has a rich and successful career and we hope that you find this interview as interesting as we did. It then continue with “News From CWM” and “Other News and Announcements”. We included 5 COVID-19 Testimonies from CWM Ambassadors from several continents. Other CWM Ambassadors testimonies we received will be installed on CWM website in the coming days. The last item in this issue is an article by Christiane Rousseau on the International Day of Mathematics. We invite your feedback and suggestions about the Newsletter. Please distribute the link in your country and your scientific network !

The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N116-June 2020) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2020-06-116.pdf

Highlights include:
- A Message from the President: EMS and COVID-19 - V.Mehrmann
- A Message from the Editor-in-Chief: EMS Newsletter – To a New Future - V. A. Zagrebnov
- Dynamics of Random Interfaces and Hydrodynamic Limits - F. L. Toninelli
- Yuri L. Daletskii and the Development of Infinite Dimensional Analysis - Y. Belopolskaya & A. Daletskii
- Exploring Leibniz’s Nachlass at the Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek in Hanover - D. Rabouin
- Publication of the Mathematical Works of René Thom in the Collection Documents mathématiques of the French Mathematical Society - M. Chaperon & F. Laudenbach
- Reuben Hersh 1927–2020 - U. Persson
- The Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research - J. López Fidalgo
- The Transition of zbMATH Towards an Open Information Platform for Mathematics - K. Hulek & O. Teschke


Recent books:
t-Motives: Hodge Structures, Transcendence and Other Motivic Aspects
Edited by Gebhard Böckle (Universität Heidelberg, Germany), David 
Goss, Urs Hartl (Universität Münster, Germany), and Matthew A. 
Papanikolas (Texas A&M University, College Station, USA)
EMS Series of Congress Reports
May 2020

Decision Support Systems for Water Supply Systems
Edited by Andreas Pirsing (Siemens AG, Berlin, Germany) and Antonio 
Morsi (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
EMS Series in Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. 2
May 2020

Classification of Complex Algebraic Surfaces
By Ciro Ciliberto (Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata")
EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics Vol. 31
June 2020

For more information about our new-look Publishing House, see



Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMSnewsletter
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/EMSnewsletter

For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Université Paris Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.
e-mail:   Mireille.Chaleyat-Maurel@math-info.univ-paris5.fr