Pro uchazeče o zaměstnání

Postdoctoral Research-fellow position in Nano-Optics

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v.v.i. in accordance with the Act No.283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, announces an open competition for the position of (postdoctoral) research fellow in the group of Nano-optics. Successful candidate will carry out research on optical methods for single-protein analytics. 


  • Ph. D. degree in optics, optoelectronics, applied physics, or a similar field 
  • excellent publication record 
  • research experience and experimental skills in optics, preferably microscopy, plasmonics, or near-field optics 
  • cross-disciplinary research interests in molecular biology or biophysics are of great advantage 
  • excellent communication skills and the ability to work in a team-focused environment.

We offer:

  • Interdisciplinary working environment 
  • Unique experimental background of the Nano-optics research group 
  • creative approaches involving innovative, high-impact research topics 
  • full time employment with 5 weeks of vacation.

We ask that candidates send a structured CV containing a list of publications, at least two references, and a letter of motivation to Mrs. Plášilová ( The subject line should include UFE-F6.

The deadline for applications is 29 August, 2016.

Postdoctoral position in semiconductor physics and technology

The research team Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, is seeking a highly qualified candidate to carry out cutting-edge research in semiconductor physics and technology.

Description of the position:

 The research team Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials investigates novel semiconductor nanomaterials and nanostructures with the emphasis on their growth mechanisms and advanced electrical and optical characterization. Your task will be to model charge transport in nanoscale contacts to semiconductor nanostructures, to perform their electrical and optical measurements, to collaborate with other team members on the development of their growth methods, and to introduce new ideas and open new research directions. The specific research project focuses on the electrical characterization and modeling of charge transport in one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures. You are expected to present the research results at international conferences and in highly ranked scientific journals.


 We are seeking highly motivated willing to learn young scientists with a strong background in semiconductor physics and technology. The applicant is expected to hold or to be about to receive a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, applied physics, materials science, or related area.


 For additional information about the position please contact Jan Grym, team leader of the research team Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials.

To apply:

 Please send a motivation letter on why you want to apply for the position (maximum one page), a resume/CV, a list of publications, and two letters of recommendation to Mrs. Plasilova, no later than on August 22, 2016.



Pracovník oddělení informačních technologií

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici pracovníka Oddělení informačních technologií.

Náplní práce bude zajištění provozu, bezpečnosti a rozvoje ústavní počítačové infrastruktury.

Požadujeme znalost konfigurování síťových prostředků (DNS, DHCP, IPv6), bezpečnostních standardů (PKI, FW, VPN, IPSEC), správy datových úložišť (FC, iSCSI, konfigurace SAN), clusterů (Pacemaker/Corosync, Windows Server 2012/R2, WMware/vSphere), virtualizačních prostředků ( WMware/vSphere), uživatelských účtů (MS Active Directory), poštovních služeb (MS Exchange Server), webového serveru (Apache/MySQL/Drupal), technik zálohování a obnovy dat a znalost anglického jazyka. Nabízíme dynamickou a zodpovědnou práci v přátelském kolektivu, možnosti profesního rozvoje a spolupráce s národními a mezinárodními výzkumnými institucemi.

Písemné přihlášky se strukturovaným profesním životopisem zasílejte na adresu

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE přispívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.


+420 266 773 400
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IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882