Czech Journal of Contemporary History

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The Institute for Contemporary History is pleased to announce it has just released the third volume of its English-written academic journal. The main aim of the Czech Journal of Contemporary History is to offer interesting and indeed important studies, essays, reports and reviews (previously mostly published in the Soudobé dějiny journal) in English to the broad international readership interested in contemporary Czech and Central European history and thus contribute to the academic discussion on the international level. The third volume of the journal in question can be downloaded in full here.

23. 12. 2015


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Československo 38-89 Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

Current events in picture

Johanna Bockman: “1989 as a Thwarted Transition to Socialism: Mainstream Neoclassical Economists and their Socialist Programs”
Jan Drahokoupil: ”The ‘neoliberal’ strategy of economic transformation: Where did it come from and what were the alternatives?”
Konference 1989: Thinking Revolution in East-Central Europe

Oddělení pozdního socialismu a postsocialismu Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR a Oddělení pro studium moderní české filozofie Filozofického ústavu AV ČR uspořádaly ve dnech 2. a 3. října 2014 mezinárodní vědeckou konferenci „1989: Thinking Revolution in East Central Europe“ .
