Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis

    • July 12, 2016, Author: Jan Švejnar



      Political crisis – the Conservatives have to deal with the discontent of the anti-Brexit public (demand for a new referendum) and at the same time negotiate the exit – they would like to do it slowly after selectin new leadership, but they are pushed by many in the EU 27 to do it fast; British public administration will be overwhelmed for months and even years with these negotiations; the Europeans will want the UK out fast and on tough terms, which is not conducive to a favorable negotiated outcome for the UK; The Scotts and Northern Irish may want to be in the EU and hence organize a referendum of their own. All this will be a source of major uncertainty if not a government crisis.

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    • Forthcoming study "Cost-benefit analysis of nursery schools in the Czech Republic", 8 March 2016

      Forthcoming seminar "Smart Specialization: From Academic Concept to European Policy and Czech Practice", 4 April 2016

      Forthcoming study "Supporting Families with Children Through the Tax and Welfare System", 12 May 2016

  • Highlights

    • IDEA is proud to announce that Jan Švejnar, the founder and the director of IDEA, won the 2015 IZA Prize for labor economics. The press release is available here.