Tomas Jirman was awarded for his contribution "Edge Plasma Study Using a Fast VIS Camera in the COMPASS Tokamak."
The "
International Youth Nuclear Congress" was
organizing its 9
th edition of the young nuclear specialist conference in 2016 in Hangzhou (China). The
conference, hosted once every two years, is dedicated to young but also senior nuclear
professionals, with the purpose of sharing knowledge and experience in a culturally diverse
audience representing all six continents.
IYNC 2016 was held between July 24
th and July 30
th and was bring to the attention of participants subjects related to: Plant Operation
and Maintenance, Design Modifications; Advanced Reactors Design (including Gen IV); Reactor Physics
and neutronics; Thermal Hydraulics; Nuclear Fuel and Materials; Nuclear Safety, Security,
Safeguards (including non-proliferation) and Radiation Protection; Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Waste
Management and Decomissioning; Fusion; Education, Human Resources Development and Knowledge
Management; Politics, Economics, and Societal issues.
22 Aug 2016