Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame
A Constructive Socio-normative Approach
NANOPINION: European project – FP7, May 2012-October 2014
Nanopinion (celým názvem Monitoring public opinion on Nanotechnology in Europe) je evropský projekt realizovaný jako součást 7. Rámcového programu EU, sdružuje 17 partnerů z 11 zemí -
Co-ordinator: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien
PLACES (Cities of Scientific Culture)
Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science (Cities of Scientific Culture)
2011–2013 (FP 7)
MASIS (Monitoring Policy and research Activities on Science in Society in Europe)
The MASIS project ( ) involved 38 countries; 27 EU
member states and 11 countries associated to FP7. In each country, an appointed national
correspondent provided a comprehensive report and subsequent updates based on a common