Intranet Čeština

Neurophysiology of Memory

Neurophysiology of Memory Genetically modified rats lacking protein Nogo-A, which inhibits the growth of nerve fibers. The model has been crated in CIMH Mannheim and ETH Zurich. (photo: T. Petrasek)

Our department has been involved in learning, memory and cognitive functions studies for a long time. For instance, spatial orientation is now considered a type of so-called declarative memory (the ability to remember facts and events). This capability is dominantly affected in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, obsessive-compulsive disorder or schizophrenia. These are conditions for which we do not know details of their physiology, so we actually treat only symptoms but not causes. Using neuroanatomical, neuropharmacological, cellular, molecular, and behavioural approaches we investigate brain function in relation to behavior, both in health and disease. In an intense collaboration, we also work on development of novel therapeutics focused on the brain diseases.





Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2015

Svoboda J, Stankova A, Entlerova M, Stuchlik A. Acute administration of MK-801 in an animal model of psychosis in rats interferes with cognitively demanding forms of behavioral flexibility on a rotating arena. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015; 9:75. IF = 3.3 (2014). More

Article Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9, 2015

Mabel Rodriguez, Filip Spaniel, Lucie Konradova, Katerina Sedlakova, Karolina Dvorska, Jitka Prajsova, Zuzana Kratochvilova, David Levcik, Kamil Vlcek, and Iveta Fajnerova. Comparison of visuospatial and verbal abilities in first psychotic episode of schizophrenia spectrum disorder: impact on global functioning and quality of life. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9, 2015. More


Vyklický, Vojtěch - Smejkalová, Tereza - Krausová, Barbora - Balík, Aleš - Kořínek, Miloslav - Borovská, Jiřina - Horák, Martin - Chvojková, Markéta - Kletečková, Lenka - Valeš, Karel - Černý, Jiří - Nekardová, Michaela - Chodounská, Hana - Kudová, Eva - Vyklický ml., Ladislav . Preferential Inhibition of Tonically over Phasically Activated NMDA Receptors by Pregnane Derivatives . Journal of Neuroscience. 2016, roč. 36, 7, p. 2161-2175 . IF = 5.924 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Vojtěchová, Iveta - Petrásek, Tomáš - Hatalová, Hana - Pištíková, Adéla - Valeš, Karel - Stuchlík, Aleš . Dizocilpine (MK-801) impairs learning in the active place avoidance task but has no effect on the performance during task/context alternation . Behavioural Brain Research. 2016, roč. 305, May 15, p. 247-257 . IF = 3.002 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Vevera, J. - Valeš, Karel - Fišar, Z. - Hroudová, J. - Singh, N. - Stuchlík, Aleš - Kačer, P. - Nekovářová, Tereza . The effect of prolonged simvastatin application on serotonin uptake, membrane microviscosity and behavioral changes in the animal model . Physiology and Behavior. 2016, roč. 158, May 1, p. 112-120 . IF = 2.461 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Petrásek, Tomáš - Škurlová, Martina - Malenínská, Kristýna - Vojtěchová, Iveta - Krištofíková, Z. - Matušková, H. - Šírová, J. - Valeš, Karel - Řípová, D. - Stuchlík, Aleš . A Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Abeta42 and Pro-oxidative Substances Exhibits Cognitive Deficit and Alterations in Glutamatergic and Cholinergic Neurotransmitter Systems . Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2016, roč. 8, APR 20, p. 83 . IF = 4.348 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Kelemen, Eduard - Fenton, A.A. Coordinating different representations in the hippocampus . Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 2016, roč. 129, Mar 2016, p. 50-59 . IF = 3.439 [ASEP] [ doi ]

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Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Department of Neurophysiology of Memory

Vídeňská 1083
14220 Prague 4
Czech Republic
tel. +420 241 062 577



prof. RNDr. Aleš Stuchlík, Ph.D.
head of the department


RNDr. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D.

deputy head of the department


RNDr. Štěpán Kubík, Ph.D. 

senior researcher


Mgr. Kamil Vlček, Ph.D.

senior researcher


MUDr. Daniel Klement, Ph.D.

senior researcher


RNDr. PhDr. Tereza Nekovářová, Ph.D.

senior researcher


RNDr. Karel Valeš, Ph.D.
senior researcher


MUDr. Karel Blahna, Ph.D.
senior researcher

(on postdoc)

  Mgr. David Levčík, Ph.D.
postdoc (internship abroad)
  Mgr. Kristína Holubová
research assistant
  Mgr. Eliška Antošová
PhD student
  Mgr. Iveta Fajnerová
PhD student
  Mgr. Hana Hatalová
PhD student
  Mgr. Markéta Chvojková
PhD student
  Mgr. Lenka Kletečková
PhD student
  Mgr. Tomáš Petrásek, Ph.D:
  Mgr. Iveta Vojtěchová
PhD student
  Mgr. Helena Buchtová 
PhD student
  Mgr. Adéla Pištíková
PhD student
  Mgr. Veronika Bláhová
PhD student

Dominika Radostová


  Michaela Fialová
  Jindřich Kalvoda
IT specialist
  Jana Machková
  Barbara Stuchlíková
  Antonín Zahálka
  Vladimíra Marková
personal assistant
  Lenka Rosenkrancová, Dis.
personal assistant (maternity leave)