Intranet Čeština

New paper: Expression of the skeletal calsequestrin isoform in normal and regenerated skeletal muscles and in the hearts of rats with altered thyroid status

We have investigated expression of skeletal calsequestrin (CSQ1) and fiber type composition in normal and regenerated fast and slow skeletal muscles and in the left heart ventricles of euthyroid (EU), hypothyroid (HY) and hyperthyroid (TH) adult inbred Lewis strain rats. The CSQ1 level was determined by SDS-PAGE followed by Western blot analysis. CSQ1 gene expression was assessed using reverse transcription and subsequent real time polymerase chain reaction. Muscle regeneration was achieved by intramuscular grafting of either soleus or extensor digitorum longus (EDL) from 3- to 4-week-old rats to either EDL or soleus muscle of 2-month-old rats. We suggest that the observed changes in CSQ1 levels in TH and HY compared to EU rats can be related to fiber type changes caused by alteration of the thyroid status rather than to the direct effect of thyroid hormones on CSQ1 gene expression.


Soukup et al. (2012) Physiol Res