IPE will be attending the AMPER Trade Fair 2015, where we will show the visitors not only prototypes of components for fiber lasers but also optical fibers, fiber lasers and optical sensors. Key equipment for creating, comparing and establishing the national time scale UTC (TP) will also be showcased and much more!

The AMPER 2015 Trade Fair, which will take place from March 24 to March 27, 2015, is the largest electrical engineering fair in Central Europe . Its exhibitors come from their respected fields of energy, electriotechnics, electronic components, automation, lighting, but there is also a special section called the OPTONIKA section, which includes companies offering optical and photonic components and devices. A series of specielized sessions is also organized as the OPTONIKA forum, which is  organized in cooperation with the Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics and involving a number of leading experts from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

More information at www.amper.cz



Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE přispívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.

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