Linek, Lukáš. 2003. „Aktivity Svazu měst a obcí ČR v legislativním procesu (případ zákona o obcích a rozpočtového určení daní).“ Pp. 85-108 in Šmídová, Olga, Katarína Synaková, Karel Čada (eds.). Sociologie z masa a krve: sborník prací studentů ISS FSV UK. V. Praha: Institut sociologických studií FSV UK.
The text describes the activity of the interest group The Union of towns and cities during the construction of its own interest and during the lobbying in the legislative process. The author shows the success of the lobbying of this interest group and finds the main factors of its success in the political strength of this group which is caused by the overlapping membership of the mayors and municipal deputies on the one side and of the deputies and senators of the Czech parliament on the other side.
politics (and political attitudes)
public administration