Cryotolerance in Norway spruce and its association with growth rates, anatomical features and polyamines of embryogenic cultures
Vondráková Z., Cvikrová M., Eliášová K., Martincová O., Vágner M.TREE PHYSIOLOGY 30(10) : 1335-1348 , 2010
Klíčová slova: embryogenesis; somatic; Norway spruce; polyamines, embryo
Polyamine profiles and biosynthesis in somatic embryo development and comparison of germinating somatic and zygotic embryos of Norway spruce
Gemperlová L., Fischerová L., Cvikrová M., Malá J., Vondráková Z., Martincová O., Vágner M.TREE PHYSIOLOGY 29(10) : 1287-1298 , 2009
Klíčová slova: polyamines, somatic embryo, Norway spruce,
Storage lipid dynamics in somatic embryos of Norway spruce (Picea abies): histochemical and quantitative analyses
Grigová, M.; Kubeš, Martin; Drážná, N.; Řezanka, Tomáš; Lipavská, H.TREE PHYSIOLOGY 27 [11] : 1533-1540 , 2007
Klíčová slova: embryo maturation; fatty acid composition; histochemistry
Changes in water status and proline and abscisic acid concentrations in developing somatic embryos of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) during maturation and germination
Prewein, Ch.; Vágner, Martin; Wilhelm, E.TREE PHYSIOLOGY 24 [11] : 1251-1257 , 2004
Klíčová slova: Fagaceae; forest tree; hardwood