Radio-frequency characterization of microtubules using micro- and nanosensors

Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation

Principal onvestigator: Michal Cifra, Ph.D. 

Od: 2015-01-01

Do: 2017-12-31

This project is aimed at the electromagnetic characterization of physically extremely intriguing and biologically omnipresent nanostructures -microtubules - in the frequency range of 0.01 – 50 GHz. Electromagnetically active vibration modes of microtubule will be identified based on the orthotropic elastic shell model combined with optimized coarse-grained atomic model of a microtubule. A theory of the electromagnetic field coupling to a microtubule will be developed and will include contribution of internal dipole moment and counterion hydration shell of microtubule. Dedicated planar radiofrequency micro- and nanopatterned sensors will be designed, optimized in simulations and fabricated using electron lithography. Sensors will be used for dielectric spectroscopy and microwave absorption spectroscopy in liquid phase which will be carried out on tubulin and microtubule samples. Using these experimental techniques, electromagnetically active microtubule modes will be identified. Additionally, effective complex permittivity of tubulin and microtubules will be extracted from the data.

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