No one doubts that the invention of lasers has not only changed the world of technology but also the lives of the general public. The first laser beamed in California in 1960 and then in spring of 1963 in the Czech Republic. November 30, 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first laser university course which focused on teaching laser physics.

The course titled "Quantum radiotechnology" was jointly organized by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague ( FJFI ) and the Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences ( IPE ). [1]

There was a strong team of scientists in IPE around Dr. Viktor Trkal, Ph.D. and Jan Blabla, CSc. which already had significant achievements in the field of laser physics. It was therefore logical to ask these experts to prepare and teach at the course. This course is considered to be the first educational program in the field of laser physics in Czechoslovakia. A comprihensive textbook was published for the purposes of the individual lectures which was actually the first major publication on lasers in Czech. The textbook as well as the course itself was an important impulse for the development of a completely new and revolutionary technology of lasers in our country. Today, lasers are used everyday life and the research teams at IPE and FJFI are expanding the knowledge base about lasers and their applications a step further every day. Researchers in IPE focus on fiber lasers and amplifiers and the team at FJFI is currently interested in solid-state lasers.

             Vláknové lasery na vlnové délce 2 mikrometry v ÚFE                  Výzkum laserů na FJFI: nové metody generace krátkých pulzů


Adéla Michková, MSc. (, 266 773 429)
Pavel Peterka, Ph.D. (, 266 773 527)

For more information:


[1] Both organizations had different names back then: Faculty of nuclear physics (FTJF) and Institute of Radiotechnology and Electronics (IRE).

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE přispívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.

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