16th May, 2010 marks an important anniversary - 50 years since Theodor Maiman lit up the first laser ever.

Our country succeeded shortly thereafter. Our Institute was one of the first three workplaces in the former Czechoslovakia which independently managed to run the laser within a few weeks of spring 1963. We have also subsequently achieved many major accomplishments in this area.

For more popularizing articles connected to this anniversary which are published here with the kind permission of the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, visit the following links (the articles are in Czech):

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE přispívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.

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