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Found 171 projects (displayed results 1 - 20)
Obecným cílem projektu je získat aktuální informace o stavu sociálního podnikání v Pardubickém kraji, jeho možných perspektivách a možnostech podpory ze strany územní samosprávy a státu. Sociální podniky, resp. subjekty sociálního podnikání, jsou...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
Quantification of lifelong economic impacts of motherhood on women and identification of their causes will lead to revision of relevant public policies and employer practices. Recommendations will be targeted at decision-makers and the public with the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Project reacts to discrimination of women in their access to decision-making and to inadequate reflection of their needs (gender mainstreaming). The project will explore link between both problems. The aim of the  project is a system change based on...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Cílem projektu je zlepšit prosazování rovných šancí pro ženy a muže v institucionální rovině, na trhu práce, v rodině i ve společnosti. Aktivity institutu se zaměřují primárně na zřízení a fungování Expertní genderové komory ČR. Cílů má být dosažen...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
The goal of the project is to contribute to the enhancement of women participation to economic decision making positions in 6 different EU countries and at the European level. In this view the project has set out to attain the following specific...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
The aim of the project is to develop and systemize empirical findings and create applicable results that in the form of practical principles and procedures of social communication and participative decision-making will contribute to non-conflict...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2015
Grant agency:
Technology agency of the Czech republic
The aim of the project is creation of certified methodology of diversity management and reconciliation of work and private life in the workplace, which will be usable directly by employers and organizations. This is an innovative interconnection of...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2015
Grant agency:
Technology agency of the Czech republic
AnotationThe project is focused on the analysis of changes in the quality of working life, and on the implementation of an already developed methodology of its continuous observation. Outputs: 1. A publication analyzing the state and trends in perception...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2014 - 2015
Grant agency:
Technology agency of the Czech republic
The objective of PLATENSO is to provide a proposal towards establishing the legal base for a European Entity on Socio-Economic matters linked to nuclear technology and to develop recommendations for research strategies in PLATENSO countries. Thereby the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2013 - 2016
Grant agency:
International project
Výzkumný projekt realizovaný Sociologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i. ve spolupráci s externími odborníky na zakázku Národního ústavu pro vzdělávání. Hlavním cílem projektu bylo zmapování životního stylu a potřeb migrantů v ČR s ohledem na...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
Projekt se zaměřil na zkoumání paradoxních projevů genderových změn v širším kontextu transnacionálních a globálních procesů a interakcí. Přínosem projektu je rozpracování metodologického principu žité kritiky a analýza transnacionálních...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2013 - 2015
Grant agency:
Understanding the public opinion process in conditions of accelerating social changes is of ever greater urgency. We conceive public opinion as a process and thus as the outcome of discursive processes at three levels: the individual, the group and the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2013 - 2015
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Established in 2001, the National Contact Centre for Women and Science contributes to building gender equality in science and research. We stimulate debates and petition for measures and steps to eliminate discrimination and gender inequalities in...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2015
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
After 1989, national identity became a major research topic in the social sciences. In the first half of the 1990´s, Europe experienced a series of events that brought attention of scientists to the issue of national identity - disintegration of...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2014
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Issued by: Evropská komise, FP7-SEC-2011-285223 Time of researching the project: 2012 – 2015, 36 months (1. 2. 2012 –31.1.2015) Coordinator of the project: Professor Dr. Fabio Massacci, University Trento, ItalyProject coordinator for the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2015
Grant agency:
International project
Výzkumný projekt je zaměřen na zkoumání povahy a determinant politického aktivismu v České republice. Klade zvláštní důraz na to, jak se občané účastní protestů a demonstrací. Cílem projektu je ukázat, jak se protestující liší od ostatních obyvatel ČR ve...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Demographic transformations currently taking place in European societies, including the Czech Republic, lead to a de cit of available care for the elderly. Eldercare is currently provided mainly in the informal sector, and more often by women than men....
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2014
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
A particular goal of the project is to make more effective use of sociological theory and methods in the analysis of housing demand. As the global economic crisis showed, the housing market has the potential to undermine the stability of the entire...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2015
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The research project analyses the integration of trade unions from the countries of the EU´s Eastern enlargement into EU governance structures. Additionally the project wants to establish which strategies the trade unions follow in their EU-...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2014
Grant agency:
International project
This project will examine political knowledge among citizens of the advanced democracies in terms of origins, nature and impact. Origins: The question of why there are differences in level of political knowledge across citizens will be examined using an...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2012 - 2014
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
